Northwood Arts and Science Academy

Dear Santa I love you. You are the best. You are my farit.

Love, Anika

Daer Santo My holiday wish is for the smoke to stop in tenessey so we can go thiri this thanksgiving and so I can see my cusiont.

Anthony B.

Dear Santa clos. I like win you give me presins to me. I wont a good crismis santa. I will gie you lot’s of cookies and milk.

McKenzie G.

Dare Santa for cramsis I want a grotawe. I want a unte bruode.

Aiyana A.

Dear Santa I want a bike and new shoes and some new close.

Traevon C.

Dear Santa. I want shopkins for Christmas, pokemon and stuft animals.

From: Dakota B.

Dear Santa. Plese can I have a big daly and a stuft animal and a dirre

from: Madalin S-L.

Dear Santa Claws, I love that you give presents to everybody. So I wanted to thank you for doing that. So THANK YOU!

To: Mrs. Santa From Lyliannah T.

Daer Sants, I want pokemon sun and moon because they are the new games. Next I want a dirt bike. Then I want a 2 DSXL. Last, I want a hachmal. I wish you a mare chesmes!

To Santa From Carter T.

Daer Santa I want a new cite of parede and saner and glowe and expo markers and cranes and book.

Molleigh M.

dear santa I want a toy car. I want so bad a big car and 1 hundred dolles.

Kash H.

My holiday wis is to go where santa live in the north pool and it is cold and ther is pecigwings.

Symond D. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Northwood Arts and Science Academy