Crestview City Council agenda: Dec. 12 meeting

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview City Council will meet 6 p.m. Dec. 12 at Council Chambers in city hall.

Here is the meeting's agenda.


1. Call to Order

2. Invocation: Pastor Joe Butryn, Joy Fellowship/

Pledge of Allegiance

3. Open Policy making and legislative session

4. Special Presentations

a. Service Awards, Mayor Cadle

5. Approval of Minutes

6. Public Hearings:

7. Public Opportunity on Council proposition

8. Consent Agenda

a. Approval of invoice from Ben Holley in the amount of $ 3815.00

b. Approval of Emergency Services Contract Extension

c. Approval of Utility Services Group Water Tank Maintenance Contract

d. Approval of Gulf Coast Underground Contract Renewal

e. Approval of lease release for the Butler Circle Fire Tower

f. Approval of Donation from CH2M Hill

9. Resolutions

10. Committee Reports

11. Scheduled Presentations from the Public

a. Quarterly Update – EDC

12. Project Reports and Comments from Mayor and Council

a. Discussion of how to interact with State Legislators – Mr. Whitten

13. Staff Reports and Recommendation

a. Discussion of Merit Raises/Evaluation process – City Clerk

b. Discussion of Consolidated Radio upgrade for City – Police/Fire Department, Public Services

c. Discussion of a Firing Range for the Police Department – Police Department

d. Right of way agreement for Publix at Northcrest Plaza – Growth Management

e. Replacement of Code Enforcement Vehicle – Growth Management

f. Zoning and FLU Compliance for City Parcels – Growth Management

g. Announcement of City Hall Luncheon – City Clerk

14. Comments from the Audience

15. Adjournment

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview City Council agenda: Dec. 12 meeting