LETTERS TO SANTA: Antioch Elementary — Susanne Eliason's class

Antioch Elementary

Susanne Eliason's class

Dear Santa, how are the reindeers and the Elves doing? do you know if I can get another Elf?  and if I do I’d name it Coco hopefully its a girl and I’m going to tell you 3 things I really want lps (littlest pet shop), friends, and a bigger wallet and if you can’t I’m glad I even have Christmas!

Alissa A.

Dear santa, how are Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, dowing to day I wish I can have a ex peckchow, a powr will, 20,00 $ and a coll car, that is a mustaning thank you.

 Isaiah W.

Dear Santa, how are you and the elves and Mrs. Claus doing? I should tell just a few things that I want 1. dimonds 2. Cristcals 3. pokmon exes 4. a Ipad with the game five nights at fredeys 5. real gold 6. a bebe gan 7. a bad guy map 8. dirt bike.

Allyn L.

Dear Santa,  Merry Christmas! I hope your raindeer are okay. I hope you had a great summer! Your elves must be very busy every day. I hope you have a fun year!

Evan D.

Dear Santa  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I hope you raindeer are doing good too. If one of them gets sick one of my dogs will take over for you they are vary good dogs and they might but they are still vary good dogs, vary, vary good!

Liam L.

Dear Santa, How was your summer? How is Rudolph? I have been very good this year. I hope that the elves are doing there job. If you can give me a gift I would want a white cute teddy bear. thanks! 

Jasmyn R.

Dear Santa, how are you doing. For Christmas I want a mrmaidtail. I want chlows for  Christmas. I want highhels. I want an amarkin girl doll.

Madyson N.

Dear Santa how are the reianDeer doing? Did you have a nice sumr? Say i sad Hi! To the elves! tihs is what i what, I what all the Dino Sanas Sets! and tht new Godzila movei i aso what a Sidrman cosooms aso asn fies! and a 2 plarps4!  merry Christmas !! to all!

Kasen V.

Dear Santa, How was your summer? I hope it was ok. how are your elves? I hope there ok. could you get me a potter maker I realy want one. How is my elf up there? could you get me Hachamale! 

Ava F.

Dear Santa, and Mrs. claus How is my elf doing. Is Rudolph, Vixen, and Dasher doing well. Oh I for got to say how was last summer. Santa I want a Ice cream maker and a new Ipad because mine broke. Santa I want more presitns but if I don’t its okay.

Joshua D.

Dear Santa,  How are your reindeer is Rudolph your leeder and I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Wen it’s Christmas I want a motckontrol helickopter, a tank that you need to bild, toy’s car’s, a army giy set and motckontrol plane. I hope your elves doing hoo is your vaver elf.  I Love you Santa.

Carson S.

Dear santa, how are the raindears, merry Christmas. And Mrs. claus,  I really hope you had a great summer, I really want a fac meamaid tale, And gloves, and a scarf. Also some clothes, and a scate board. and some books, A cute teddy puppy.  Also some highheels.  Also Shopkins.

Gabby L.

hi santa how was your day what did you do today was it fun ow during how was your reindeers were they good or were they bad. hape Christmas

Josiah H. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTERS TO SANTA: Antioch Elementary — Susanne Eliason's class