Baby, it's cold outside — preparations for Christmas

Janice Crose

Winter has finally decided to descend upon Northwest Florida and it has gotten cold. Make sure you bundle up so that you stay healthy for the Christmas season.

Please bring in your pets; they can't survive these frigid temperatures and they need a safe, warm, dry place when it is cold and rainy.

How are your preparations for Christmas coming along? Are your home and tree decorated, and are your outside Christmas lights up? Are your gifts wrapped and Christmas cards sent? Are you baking some delicious Christmas treats for your family and friends?

It is easy to get so busy during this season that we don't take the time to enjoy the season and the beauty around us in the lovely decorations and wonderful Christmas events offered. Let's not get so busy that we are exhausted by Christmas; don't allow the hustle and bustle of the season to rob you of your delight. Allow the wonder of the miracle of Christmas to bring you joy and don't forget to prepare your heart for the birth of our Lord Jesus.

A present that would take time and effort is the gift of song. Get a group of friends together and go Christmas caroling to the homes of your homebound church members, or to the assisted living and rehabilitation facilities as well as nursing homes here in Crestview. Many of the residents would love to hear and sing along with traditional Christmas carols. Just remember to call ahead and request permission before you go caroling. There will be many smiles because of your effort.

Because it is Christmas time, unfortunately, there are thieves looking to steal. Be aware of your surroundings; never leave your purse in your car; and make sure you lock your car. Put your packages in the trunk and don't dawdle when walking to your car after dark. Make sure to unload your car and take all of your packages into your house once you get home. Don't give the thieves an opportunity to steal.

Also, be vigilant about phone calls from unknown parties; don't give out personal information on the phone unless you originated the call and are confident the party you have reached is legitimate.

Have a safe and enjoyable Christmas time.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Baby, it's cold outside — preparations for Christmas