LETTERS TO SANTA: Walker Elementary — Kara Elmore’s class


Walker Elementary

Kara Elmore’s class

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you santa claus? I’ve been good this year. I been help my teacher. I would love to get Lego, phone, and Monster high doll.

Jacqueline S.

Dear Santa, How are you? I’ve been very good this year. I help my dad clean up. I want a Zoomer chimp, hatchamole, and games for my Xbox One.

Christopher M.

Dear Santa Claus, How is Mrs. Claus? Been I’ve been good this year. I help my mom and dad. Brig stuff in side. I want to get a Xbox, four wheeler, and a dirt bike.

Ayden T.

Dear Santa, How are the elves are they working hard on the toys? I’ve bein very good this year and I help my parents wash dishes and I want a littles pet shop, Shopkins, a new Shopkn case and a Babisha Shopkin toy.

Brook B.

Dear St. Nick, How are you? I’ve been very good. By playing with Cooper. And By having good grats. I would Love a Xbox 360, a Hovrbord, and a drone.

Pierson H.

Dear Santa, How old are you? I have been very good this year. I have been good because I help my family cook. I wold love to get a red and black bike, converses, and a drumset.

Chloe R.

Dear St. Nick, How are you? I’ve been realy good this year. I grab all of the groceries for my dad all the time. I would like to have a Mc2Rc, a Hachaml, a Fairy Garden, and a Barbie Dream House.

Ezmarelda B.

Dear Santa Claus, What is your favorite tipe of cookie? I’ve been good this year. I help my mom get out of bed. I would like to get a computer, Shopkins, and a Hachanimal.

Laila P.

Dear Santa, How are the toys doing? I’ve been good this year. I Have Been doing a Lot of cleaning for my mom, and dad. All of the time I’d love to get Mario Maker, and Yarn Yoshi.

Sean F.

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clause? I have been very good this year. How have you been? Santa how is it like at the North Pole? Santa this is what I want for Christmas. I want a hoverboard, orbeez, and some legos that can build a town.

Kyndall M.

Dear Santa, How are you? I’ve been very good this year. I allways help my brother with the dishis. I just want two things for Christmas. Wich is a chiken pen and a even number of chikins. Thank you.

Lilliana G.

Dear Santa Claus, How is your Raindeer? I have been good this year. I help my brother with the trash all the time. I would like to have a Playstation 4, Madden game, 4 controllers.

Corde T.

Dear Santa, How old are you? I have been good. I help mom clane I wele want a pigy bank. And a fake kinchen.

Stephanie S.

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I’ve been very good this year. I help my mom bring in the uroceries. Are you retey for Christmas becues I am thes is the presins that I want for Christmas I want a hover board and a pie face game to and a orbeez, and a air marker sparyer.

Talia U.

Dear Santa, How is the raindeer? I have been. Good this year. I help my mom and Dad clen the rooms. All of the time. I would like to have new shoes, a tablet, and a robot dog.

Daisy W.

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I’ve been very good this year. I help my mom doing the dishes wthi my mom and if I am good is to have a House, and Jeep, dirtbike.

Xena T.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTERS TO SANTA: Walker Elementary — Kara Elmore’s class