Letters to Santa: Walker Elementary — Angela Raybon's class

Walker Elementary

Angela Raybon's class

Dear Santa, How have you been this year? I am writing to you to tell you what I would like for Christmas. I would like a laptop.


Dear Santa, Can you get me a Nintendo, 3DS, pistol, tablet, football, basketball, pokemon sun and moon, computer, zoomer chimp, pokemon cards, hatchamas, a pet puppy, power ranger gun, new tv, and minecraft. I hope you come so I can get this.


Dear Santa, I want a new brother, computer, youtube channel, bunny, toy Bonnie, new phone, cat, reindeer, pokemon to pickau, new clothes, new pencils, new cape, minecraft hat, new FSU shirt, new red jacket, new books for my teacher Mrs. Raybon, new nike shoes, necklaces, new crayons, new house, new hat, and a pet panther.


Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me a trampoline, a playground, and a real live kitten. I hope you have a safe trip. I will leave you some milk and cookies.


Dear Santa, I would like a froyo machine, a BIG stuff bunny, and a baby reindeer would be nice. I would also like a supergirl dc doll, a fake wonder woman, a toy spiderman, and an ipad.


Dear Santa, I believe you, so can you get me some shopkins, a new ornament, new clothes, new shoes, and a little village. I will leave some milk and cookies out for you.


Dear Santa, Can I have a new mega mini gun, a bb gun, shot gun, and I can please have a bb pistol. Merry Christmas. I hope you have a safe trip.


Dear Santa, I know that I haven’t been the best that I could be. For that, I’m sorry. But if you forgive me, I would like a basketball hoop and basketball. So I can play basketball with my dad. Please and thank you. Merry Christmas.


Dear Santa, I would like a sewing kit, a knitting kit, and a snowball. I hope you get here safe so I can get my presents. Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me some pokemon cards, a toy shield, and a toy sword. I hope you have a safe trip. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Marry Christmas!


Dear Santa, I think I’ve been very good this year and I hope I’m on the good list! I’ve been working hard. I’ve already taken my picture with you. I think I told you three things I want, but here are some more. Can I please have a toy cat, Barbie house, and a locket? That’s all I can really think of. BE SAFE!


Dear Santa, I hope you are safe on you ride here. Here is my Christmas list, I want a Iphone 5, a computer, a chandelier for my room , and a spinning chair. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Merry Christmas.

Madison B.

Dear Santa, I wish for dad, mom, Savannah and all of my relatives to be safe. And for my dad’s wish to come true. I also want the mew two pack. Santa since you’ve made so many kids happy, what can I do to make you happy.


Dear Santa, This year I want a froyo machine, a lack kitten, a I-phone 7, a live saved night fury like Toothless, a big stuffy bunny, a baby reindeer. Be save on Christmas. Tell the Easter Bunny I said “hi”. Merry Christmas.


Dear Santa, I want a phone, a nutcracker, a doll, a spinning chair, a knitting kit, markers, guitar, and some books. I hope you have a safe trip because I really want my presents. Thank you.


Dear Santa, This a letter to you for Christmas. What I want for Christmas is a bike and the color I want is purple. The next thing is a helmet and my life vet with puppies. I also want water balloons, an I phone 5, a computer, a tablet, a night light. I hope you are safe on your ride have a good night that is what I want for Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Madison W.

I hope you have a safe trip here and I have been goo working Hard to be on the good list. This is what I want for Christmas, a Barbie house, table, chocolate pen, and makeup. Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa, I want you to come here every day for Christmas. I have been working hard to be on the good list.

Can I please have a transformer and a dinosaur?


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Letters to Santa: Walker Elementary — Angela Raybon's class