Why you should go to church on Christmas Day

Mark Broadhead (FILE PHOTO | News Bulletin)

A difficult dilemma I have: to go to worship this Sunday morning or not. When I tell others that the two congregations I serve will be holding worship at their regular times, I receive mixed reactions.

One is of incredulity. "You are? But why?"

The second is of complete expectation. "Of course you are. Why would you not?"

I am dumbfounded that some churches are not holding worship on the Sunday on which falls the day we celebrate our Lord’s birth. It is such a relatively rare occurrence that it seems to me to be an excellent time for worship.

I will admit that having worship on Christmas Day interrupts the Santa Claus portion of the Christmas celebration and the preparation of special meals. Yet, it seems to me that this is a small sacrifice for what God has done for us.

God chose to leave his throne in heaven to come to this earth to live among us. Ponder the tremendous significance of that.

The One who created everything in the universe saw a tremendous need to come to this earth to demonstrate his love and provide hope for humanity to overcome the entrapment of sin.

He came to demonstrate he was not someone to fear, but someone to be revered and loved in return.

He came to teach lessons of grace and forgiveness, so we can offer the same to each other.

He came to show there was no length to which he would not go to win back a wayward humanity — even allowing himself to be put to death in the most painful manner imaginable.

God showed his love by breaking out of the ordinary to do the extraordinary. He gave us the most tremendous gift possible — the gift of himself. What is worth more celebration than that?

Two of the holiest days in the Christian year are Easter and Christmas Day.

Are you going to church on Christmas Day? Yes? Good for you!

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Why you should go to church on Christmas Day