College football championship déjà vu

Bill Everett is a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart and lives in the Baker area.

We all know that the College Football Championship will stay in the South. Just how far south (Alabama vs. Clemson) won't be known until Jan. 9 in Tampa, Florida. "Déjà vu" — now I really called that one and the winner.

The old rivalry of the East vs. the West (Penn State and University of Southern California) is still not over with. Well, really it is, but you cannot convince most of the East Coast fans.

The Atlantic Coast Conference did great in all their bowl games, but on the other hand, the South Eastern Conference was not as strong as they usually are.

ACC: 8-3 in bowls, .727 percent

SEC: 6-6 in bowls, .500 percent

ACC won more bowl games than any of the 10 conferences. "Congratulations."

Again, the college football bowls and the playoffs were great. I even saw some of the little guys win in their bowls.

Hope to see you again next year!

Bill Everett is a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart and lives in the Baker area.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: College football championship déjà vu