Christian writers retreat scheduled

Marilyn Turk is the organizer of a Christian writers retreat in Alabama. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — A Christian writers retreat will soon serve Northwest Florida residents who don’t mind a little drive to Alabama.

The retreat — March 22-25 at Blue Lake in Andalusia, Alabama — offers basic, intermediate and experienced levels of instruction in fiction and nonfiction topics.

"For several years, I've attended Christian writers conferences all over the country, but they are far away and relatively expensive. I wanted to offer a conference similar to those I'd attended, but closer to home and less expensive," retreat organizer Marilyn Turk said.

The Niceville author, who moved to Florida in 2004, met her husband, Chuck, at the Crosspoint Crestview church in 2008, where they are still active members. They have four sons, one daughter and three grandsons.

She said, as a writer, she prefers the more hospitable aspects of a Christian conference.

"I've attended a couple of conferences that are not specifically Christian, and the atmosphere is more competitive and cold, whereas Christian writers like to help each other out.

"Another difference I prefer is the lack of foul language and erotica that is found in secular writing."

Turk’s works include "Rebel Light," "The Gilded Curse," and "Lighthouse Devotions." She also writes for Guideposts magazine and contributes to Daily Guideposts, the yearly devotional book.

She hopes to take some of the classes at the retreat herself, if she's not too busy with the arrangements.

The conference’s keynote speakers are published authors Kim Vogel Sawyer, James Watkins and Dan Walsh; attendees can also purchase critiques of their works during the event.

"I need to improve my fiction, so I'll probably take Kim Vogel Sawyer's continuing class and I'd like to know more about Indie Publishing from Dan Walsh," Turk said.

Classes and activities at the Blue Lake retreat include fiction and nonfiction topics; workshops at beginner, intermediate and experienced levels; and book signings.

Some faculty members are:

•Veteran author Cecil Murphey, who wrote "90 Minutes in Heaven," with Don Piper.

•Eva Marie Everson, author and Florida Christian Writers Conference director.

•Susan King, Upper Room magazine's associate editor.

Some of the topics and workshops are:

•Building a Strong Story Foundation


•How to Write a Good Proposal

•Indie Publishing

•Memoirs and Autobiographies

A Christian writers retreat is set for March 22-25 at Blue Lake in Andalusia, Alabama.

Prices range from $75 for one-day attendance to $475. Meal packages are also available.

See for more details.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Christian writers retreat scheduled