Crestview kids need more recreational options


Dear editor,

I read with great interest the article in regard to the new dog park at Twin Hills. (“Bark Park delayed,” March 25-28, 2017 Crestview News Bulletin) What amazed me is the fact that the city will spend money for dogs when they let our children go wanting.

I have addressed the city (council) in regard to getting additional facilities for our kids and grandkids, but it seems that the needs of our kids take a back burner to the needs of the dogs.

I have lived here for nearly 30 years and things haven’t improved for our children in all of that time.

When I moved here, the kids had to meet at the Winn-Dixie parking lot to have a conversation while sitting on their cars.

Things haven’t changed in all of that time. 

This was brought to the attention of the city (council) but, to me, it was received like water on a duck’s back.

No response nor any action to improve the activities of our teenagers.

What about a skateboard park, larger facilities for basketball, more ball fields for baseball, football, soccer, etc.

We are a growing community and need to update and keep up with the needs of our children.

If we don’t improve our ability to address our children, then the city and county need to consider a much larger budget for more police because idle kids will find something to do, like graffiti. 

Think about it and do something to help implement this very important project.

Jimmy C. DuBose


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview kids need more recreational options