Girl Scouts donate Easter baskets to youth shelter

Girl Scout Troop 818 members assembled Easter baskets for youths at the Hope of Potential Empowerment House youth shelter in Crestview. Back row, from left: Isabelle Lindstrom, Emily Chambliss, Sydria James, Madison Harris and Madeline Burch. Front row: Aurora DeBoer, Kennedy Collins and Riley O'Neil. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Girl Scout Troop 818 members created and donated eight Easter baskets for youths at Hope of Potential Empowerment House in Crestview.

Troop Leader Tresha Collins said the troop searched for an organization to help and Walker Elementary School's guidance counselor recommended the temporary youth shelter run by Lutheran Services Florida.

"When I called I asked if they had any organizations helping them out for any type of Easter celebration, the woman explained that they usually only receive help around Christmastime and not for the 'smaller' holidays," Collins said. "So I asked if we could sponsor and donate Easter baskets and she said yes."

The eight-bed facility provides temporary shelter to 10- to 17-year-olds in need and nonresidential counseling for ages 6 to 18.

HOPE staffers teach life skills to the youths and help them and their families improve communication with each other.

A volunteer delivered the Easter baskets March 24.

"The kids have not received them yet, of course, so we've had them hidden away," HOPE House administrative assistant Pam Harvell said. "We are always thankful and grateful for everything that we get.

“A lot of organizations donate money and other items to us."

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Girl Scouts donate Easter baskets to youth shelter