Crestview Police available for details

Crestview Police Department officers are available to provide security details at area events. [FILE PHOTO | News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Schools, community organizations, clubs, civic programs and businesses are among those who benefit from the Crestview Police Department's officer detail program. 

"Detail" consists of off-duty Crestview Police officers who have voluntarily placed themselves on a roster to be hired by the hour to provide law enforcement services including event and site security, traffic control and crowd control.

Unlike private security patrols — sometimes called "rent-a-cops" — cops hired to work details are armed, fully credentialed, sworn law enforcement officers working on their own time to supplement their incomes and provide additional police services to the community.

Examples of detail duty can include:

•Carnivals, fairs and festival security, traffic control, crowd safety and site patrols.

•Site-specific security, such as added officer presence at stores during major marketing events or busy periods, such as Black Friday sales.

•Neighborhood or business district security patrol when hired by an organization such as a homeowners association or merchants' association.

•Safety and traffic control at school sporting events, concerts and other performances.

•Community parade or fun-run route traffic and crowd control.

•Fundraiser event safety and traffic control.

Off-duty Crestview police officers report for detail duties fully uniformed and equipped, including radios, side arms and other equipment.

For resident concerns that occur during a detail, the detail officer can immediately summon on-duty colleagues for assistance.

In rare instances, an officer serving a detail may have to respond to an emergency outside of the detail area.

Businesses and organizations may hire off-duty Crestview Police officers to provide security, crowd and traffic control for special events, festivals, parades, fun runs and fundraisers, among other activities. Details cost $30 per hour per officer.

All of the detail fee goes to the officer; the Crestview Police Department does not take a percentage of the hourly fee. Detail officers are assigned from a rotating roster.

Contact Cmdr. Jamie Grant, 682-3544, for more information or to reserve a police detail. Organizations hiring a police detail must obtain a Release for Police Services packet in advance from the Crestview Police Department.

Want a police detail?

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Police available for details