Baker Betas deliver Easter baskets to assisted living residents

Baker School Junior and Senior Beta Club members assembled Easter baskets for North Okaloosa seniors as part of a community service challenge. Clockwise from top left: Zachary Henderson, Ryan Bourke, Nikki Richmond and Kevin Robles. Also pictured: Patrick Strong, Aiden Jones, Olivia Berry (center) and Shannon Polhopek. [Special to the News Bulletin]

BAKER — Baker School's Junior and Senior Beta Clubs accepted a challenge to come up with a community service project that would have a local impact.

Several students have family members who are elderly and require full-time care. With spring in the air, they decided to help local convalescent homes.

They collected items they thought the residents would need or want, such as toiletries, puzzles, games and Easter eggs.

The 107 students assembled six big baskets, with color-coded, sugar-free and sugary eggs; stuffed the eggs; and assembled the baskets just in time for delivery April 14 to Crestview Manor, Crestview Rehabilitation Center, Carrington Manor, Silvercrest Health and Rehabilitation Center, Shoal Creek Rehabilitation Center, and Kindred at Home.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Baker Betas deliver Easter baskets to assisted living residents