New fire engines' color almost invisible


New fire engines – maybe! Optics provide insights to safety. CPD cars are equipped with "Blue Lights" to be more visible. Read again our April 15th front page story, "Increasing traffic causes accident surge." Next look at "Fire station gets new engines."

Our new engine is 'red' and the article indicates 'black' will be an included color. Why? 'Black' is a color that research has shown for years to be a causal factor in higher vehicle accident rates. Take a minute and look at the front page picture. Your eyes will tell you that 50 percent of our CFD engine not clearly visible, because it appears to be 'black.'

A study by the Dallas FD in the 1990's confirmed; "multiple-vehicle accidents may be as much as three times greater for red or red/white fire trucks compared to lime-yellow/white trucks." Today, we are 20 years past that study.

We all know that there will not be a real solution to Crestview's traffic challenge within the seven-year span of our new engine lease. The challenge Chief Holland faces is his willingness to place his first responders in harm's way by using the wrong can of paint. 

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet @cnbeditor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: New fire engines' color almost invisible