Laurel Hill City Council agenda: May 4

[File Photo | News Bulletin]

LAUREL HILL — The Laurel Hill City Council will meet 6 p.m. May 4 at city hall, 8209 US Highway 85 N, Laurel Hill.

Here is the meeting's agenda.

1. New business

a. Approval of consent agenda

1. April 6 and 14 minutes

2. Update on internal audit: general and water funds (April) — no problem.

b. Virgie Bowen with Florida Department of Transportation.

c. Projects update (Dewberry)

d. Award scholarship

e. Sales tax resolution (Okaloosa County League of Cities)

f. Interlocal agreement with Okaloosa County (Local Option Gas Tax)

2. Public comments.

3. Unfinished business — none

4. Adjourn

The next regular meeting is 6 p.m. June 1 at city hall, 8209 US Highway 85 N, Laurel Hill.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill City Council agenda: May 4