Reflecting on a Mother's Day tea

First United Methodist Church of Crestview held their annual Mother's Day tea on Saturday, May 6, in the Crossroads Center. Pictured are volunteers and attendees. [Special to the News Bulletin]

The ladies at First United Methodist Church of Crestview held their annual Mother's Day tea on Saturday, May 6, in the Crossroads Center. There was lots of laughter and fun at this event and a great time was had by all.

This year's Mother's Day Tea was coordinated by Marian McBryde, Anne Campbell and Pam Callahan, who did a fantastic job. There were 14 tables of eight ladies and a table for 10 little girls.

The monies raised from this event and the silent auction will be sent to Pastor Krzysztof Kopacz in Ilawa, Poland. Pastor Kris, as he is known, is the pastor of Crestview's sister church in Poland.

I wasn't aware that Poland was such a poor country and his salary is limited. As well as his local congregation in Ilawa, Pastor Kris travels to three other villages and ministers to the residents, he teaches the children about Jesus, sings songs and plays games with them.

About 10 years ago, Pastor Kris visited Crestview and FUMC; shortly after his return, he broke his knee and lower leg. He has to travel to Warsaw for medical care, which is four hours away. He has had five surgeries and another one is planned, but he is quite limited as to what he can do physically. Due to his physical limitations, he can't travel to the United States for medical treatment.

Because of Pastor Kris' physical limitations, the Crestview congregation recently raised money to purchase a used car for his use. This campaign was started earlier in the year and the car has been picked out and the money from the tea will complete the cost of the car. Pastor Kris has no car at this time and has to depend upon others for transportation.

(In other highlights from the tea), Jennifer Precht, the FUMC pastor's wife, gave a meaningful devotional and sang a gorgeous rendition of "How Great Thou Art."  

Miley Milani, aged 7, played "Jesus Loves Me" on her violin and a trio consisting of Miley Milani, Elsa Precht, 8, and Kimmie Raiche, 8, sang a sweet Mother's Day song, titled "My Mom," for the ladies.

This was a lovely tea and an enjoyable day of fellowship.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Reflecting on a Mother's Day tea