Crestview 'policeboy' brings treats, cash to officers

The Crestview Police Department’s unofficial “policeboy,” Jae Williams, 6, presents to Sgt. Josh Grace $331.28 he raised toward an Okaloosa County fallen law enforcement officers memorial being planned by the Crestview Citizens Police Academy Alumni association. [BRIAN HUGHES | Crestview Police Department]

CRESTVIEW — Some visitors to the Crestview Police Department bring cheer. Some bring treats. Some bring monetary donations.

When Jae Williams, 6, visits, he brings all three. Jae, one of law enforcement’s youngest supporters and founder of Be The Change, a local Blue Lives Matter support group, recently popped by the agency with his mom, Cassey.

The Police Department’s unofficial “policeboy” shared several dozen blue cards of support, each affixed with a candy heart, inscribed with the definition of “hero,” and personally signed by Jae. He also brought a load of candy bars and M&Ms for his officer friends.

He also presented the department with a container stuffed with $331.28, donations he solicited for the Crestview Citizens Police Academy Alumni association’s fundraising efforts toward a law enforcement memorial to be erected in front of the Whitehurst Municipal Building.

Dressed in his blue police uniform, Jae met Crestview Police’s four new officers, his appearance providing them a needed break from a long day of training while impressing them with the level of community support Crestview’s officers receive.

“It feels good doing this,” Jae—whose real name is Jaedyn—said as he scurried around a table in the training room, arranging the cards he had made.

“This is awesome!” exclaimed Cmdr. Andrew Schneider, whose class Jae’s visit interrupted. “We really appreciate all of this.”

Cmdr. Jaime Grant, accepting Jae’s cash donation on behalf of Chief Tony Taylor, praised the boy for his spirit of support and welcomed him to return and visit his Crestview Police friends at any time.

“I will!” Jae promised.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview 'policeboy' brings treats, cash to officers