7 residents appointed for city charter review

Councilman Doug Faircloth made the motion to form a city charter review committee comprising Crestview residents who are registered voters. The motion received a second and passed unanimously. [SAMANTHA LAMBERT | News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — City leaders in a special meeting Wednesday selected seven residents to research Crestview’s government structure.

The councilmen, Mayor David Cadle and City Clerk Betsy Roy announced their choices for members of the City Charter Review Committee.

Selections are as follows:

  • Cadle nominated Joshua Molyneux, vice chairman of the Crestview Housing Authority
  • Roy nominated Adrienne McKinnie with McKinnie Funeral Home
  • Councilman Doug Faircloth nominated Gene Strickland, pastor and mission director of Okaloosa Baptist Ministerial Association
  • Councilman Shannon Hayes nominated Rev. Sanford Hayes, pastor of New Life Baptist Church
  • Councilman Joe Blocker nominated former Crestview councilman Ellis Conner
  • Councilman JB Whitten nominated Andrew Rencich, local business owner
  • Councilman Bill Cox nominated Michelle Simmons, a paralegal who serves on the Crestview Board of Adjustment

The City Council set a special meeting for 5:15 p.m. May 22 to appoint a replacement for one charter review member, according to a media release that arrived at press time.  

Committee members — who must follow the Florida Public Record Law upon appointment — will have 90 days to research and decide whether the city should keep the same form of government. They will make a recommendation to the council based on their findings.

Theresa Gaillard, the city’s growth management director, will stay in contact with the committee and a city charter review page will be added to the city website, www.cityofcrestview.org.

In discussion preceding appointments, Blocker maintained that there needed to be larger resident input as to whether they want to change the city charter. He contended that many Crestview residents do not know about this proposal.

Faircloth made the motion to form a city charter review committee comprising Crestview residents who are registered voters. The motion received a second and passed unanimously.

The committee alone will not decide Crestview's government structure. Placing the matter on a ballot would be the final step in the process if residents desire a change.

Since this would be a referendum and not a candidate vote, ballots could be sent to registered voters via mail, Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections Paul Lux said at a previous city council meeting.

Editor's Note: Article updated to include more background information on the restructuring process. Also corrected Josh Molyneux's title. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 7 residents appointed for city charter review