Crestview girl boosts Ronald McDonald House

Kadance Fredericksen [Kelli Higgins Photography]

CRESTVIEW — A young Crestview resident is looking to surpass the funds she raised last year for Ronald McDonald House of Pensacola.

Kadance Fredericksen, 10, winner of the 2017 Little Miss Northwest Florida title, wants to top a previous donation of $1,031.12 she collected at a lemonade stand benefit.

She has set a goal of $1,500 for the current fundraiser. She will accept donations through Aug. 3 for the effort.

Donors may also purchase T-shirts or make Paypal donations to assist with Kadance's goal.

"We've had people donating for about two weeks and will turn in the money Aug. 3 at the Ronald McDonald House," Lisa Fredericksen, Kadance's mother, said.

She said her daughter has been volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House all year long. She also collected 113 pounds of soda tabs in 2016 and presented them to RMH. The house sells the tabs to pay utility bills.

Kadance's desire to help the organization has expanded beyond fundraising, according to her mom.

"She's organized the pantry there, hosted kids' parties there, provided and helped cook meals, baked muffins and cookies. She's done all kinds of stuff," Lisa Fredericksen said.

People who wish to donate may go to

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview girl boosts Ronald McDonald House