'Just quit looking at those phones!'

With 10 schools in Crestview alone, school zones can be found throughout the city, as well in neighboring Baker and Laurel Hill. Speeding fines are doubled in active school zones, with starting fines as high as $603. [Brian Hughes | Crestview Police Department]

CRESTVIEW — Distracted driving causes scores of accidents throughout our community, whether by pedestrians not paying attention to traffic while using their cellphones, or drivers doing the same thing, according to the Crestview Police Department.

But since Thursday morning, such distractions, plus speeding, could mean risking children's lives.

Twice a day, starting as early as 6:30 a.m. in some locations, school crossing zones are in effect as the new school year gets underway.

"Glancing at a text, dialing a number, putting on makeup, choosing a new song on your phone's playlist, or any number of other activities that cause your eyes to leave the road can mean those few seconds that are all it takes for a tragedy to occur," Crestview Police Chief Tony Taylor said.

"Folks, we take the safety of our kids seriously. Most of us are parents and want drivers to treat every school zone as seriously as we do," Taylor said. "When that yellow light's flashing, you'd better slow down" to the 20 or 25 mph speed indicated on the accompanying signage.

Community Services Officers Wanda Hulion and Sam Kimmons oversee the city's school zone traffic enforcement and said during opening week, motorists have been pretty careful.

However, distracted drivers are still an issue, even in areas as critical as a school zone.

"Folks are behaving pretty good," Hulion said. "It's just if, when we're out there directing traffic, they'd put their phones down so they can see us when we're waving them on."

"That's how most people miss a school zone," Officer Corey Newcomb said. "It's because they're texting or playing with their phones."

"Just quit looking at those phones!" Hulion added. Receiving or sending texts while driving is already against the law in Florida.

Will Crestview Police officers be extra vigilant about speeding motorists and distracted drivers in active school zones?

"Oh absolutely!" said Patrol Sgt. Josh Grace.

And be warned: the fines for speeding in a school zone are double the normal fine, and CPD officers won't hesitate to write tickets if that's what it takes to slow drivers down.

"We'd rather hit a speeder's wallet than let them hit a child," Taylor said.

How much does it cost violators who speed in school zones or violate other school traffic safety laws?

A lot, Crestview Police officers say.

Here's the breakdown:

Speeding in active school zones:

  • 0-9 MPH over limit: $153
  • 10-14 MPH over limit: $303
  • 15-19 MPH over limit: $403
  • 20-29 MPH over limit: $453
  • 30 MPH or more over limit: $603 minimum with mandatory court appearance

Failure to stop for school bus: $268

Passing a school bus on the exit/enter side: $268 minimum and mandatory court appearance

(Source: Okaloosa County Clerk of Courts)


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 'Just quit looking at those phones!'