North Okaloosa Community Briefs

Crestview workshop to focus on invasive species

MILTON — The Florida Forest Stewardship Program and the Six Rivers Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area are presenting a workshop for landowners.

Invasive Exotic Species and Control is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 28 at the University of Florida Extension office on Airport Road in Crestview.

Topics include herbicide labels, required personal protective equipment, applications techniques, herbicide resistance, modes of action and rotation.

There will also be a control update on terrestrial and aquatic invasive exotic plants, invasive species identification and look-alikes, established and new invasive exotic insects, and working with the Six Rivers CISMA.

Participants can learn about identifying and controlling cogongrass, Japanese climbing fern, privets and other non-native invasive species.

Attendees may earn pesticide applicator and forestry CEUs.

Registration is $10 per person. Go to or call 689-5850 to register.

The Florida Forest Service, a division of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, manages 37 state forests on more than 1 million acres of public forest land while protecting 26 million acres of homes, forestland and natural resources from the devastating effects of wildfire.

Nurse submissions, donations requested for Eglin monument

CRESTVIEW — The Military Order of the Purple Heart and Northwest Florida State College are collecting information for a proposed nurses monument to be constructed at the US Air Force Armament Museum on Eglin.

The order and college are looking for one nurse to represent the Civilian Nurse of Today on the monument. The Nurses Monument Committee will select one civilian Registered Nurse, male or female, from submissions turned in by Oct. 31. The committee will announce the winner Nov. 16.

Three nurses featured on the monument are Florence Nightingale, Lt. Annie G. Fox, and 1st Lt. Sharon Lane. The information on each person includes their name, date of birth, date of death if deceased, and a history of their service, as listed below.

To submit your name for possible posting, send a high-resolution 8-inch by 10-inch or 4-inch by 6-inch photo of yourself in uniform from the waist up, a brief biography, and contact information to William Everett, 5727 Buck Ward Road, Baker, or email it to him at

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: North Okaloosa Community Briefs