Councilman receives medal from Crestview Sister City's mayor

Crestview City Council President JB Whitten receives the Medal of Noirmoutier from the island community's mayor, Dr. Noel Faucher, during a reception for the visiting Crestview delegation on Sept. 9 in Noirmoutier, France. [Brian Hughes | Special to the News Bulletin]

NOIRMOUTIER-EN-L'ÎLE, France — Crestview City Council President JB Whitten was barely in Noirmoutier 24 hours when he was presented with one of Crestview's Sister City's top honors.

During his reception for the 24 visiting members of the Crestview Area Sister City Program, Noirmoutier's mayor, Dr. Noël Faucher, conferred on Whitten the Medal of Noirmoutier, making him the third Crestview recipient of the honor.

During his remarks, Dr. Faucher praised the 23-year-old relationship between the two communities, welcoming the Crestview delegation to "your home in France."

Monday evening, Whitten joined Sister City Program President Brian Hughes and Crestview Police Investigator Shawn Temple at Dr. Faucher's private dignitarie' dinner at one of the island's most fashionable restaurant.

"The hospitality we have received so far is outstanding. I can see why everyone who has been to Noirmoutier is eager to return," Whitten thanked his host and said afterward.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Councilman receives medal from Crestview Sister City's mayor