What about sidewalks on Old Bethel Road?

The Meiselmans, who live off Old Bethel Road, have three teenage relatives who attend Crestview High School and a fifth-grade relative who will attend Davidson Middle School next year. They began driving them to school because they don't think walking on Old Bethel Road is safe. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Local resident Nancy Gisser Meiselman asked if there is a plan to add sidewalks to Old Bethel Road in Crestview.

The Meiselmans live off Old Bethel. They have three teenage relatives who attend Crestview High School and a fifth-grade relative who will attend Davidson Middle School next year. They began driving them to school because they don't think walking on Old Bethel Road is safe.

"Because we are located less than two miles from the school, our kids are not provided bus transportation. We are concerned that if they walk at least part of the way they would have to walk on Old Bethel Road," Nancy Meiselman said. "There are no sidewalks and the sides of the road are (sometimes) overgrown with weeds. There could be snakes or other hazards walking through the brush and walking on the road could be even more dangerous."

Old Bethel is under Okaloosa County jurisdiction. According to Okaloosa Public Works Director Jason Autrey, there are no projects planned on Old Bethel Road, but a study is being completed about potentially widening it.

He said that while there are no county programs specifically intended for building sidewalks, area residents can file an application through the Public Works engineering division. Employees will then request funding from the Transportation Alternatives program of the Florida Department of Transportation. Both the county and city have used TAP for many community projects, Autrey said.

Autrey said residents may call the Public Works roads division, 689-5772, to have the county address maintenance or upkeep problems.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: What about sidewalks on Old Bethel Road?