Crestview teen to sign books at 'Teen Boss' event

Laila Turner, 10, and Crestview resident Damonie Johnson, 14, will sign copies of their journal, "A Girl's World," Sept. 23 in Destin. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Damonie Johnson, a 14-year-old Crestview author, will attend a free Teen Boss magazine and book signing.

The signing is 1-4 p.m. Sept. 23 at Barnes & Noble, 34904 Emerald Coast Parkway, Destin. Johnson and her co-author, Laila Turner, 10, will attend and sign copies of their journal and the magazine featuring it for the public. 

The two published their first journal, "A Girl’s World," where they penned their coming-of-age experiences, according to a previous Crestview News Bulletin article.

“When I wrote 'A Girl’s World,' I was hoping that it would help girls get a better understanding. I think we all feel like we all have to be a certain way, have to look a certain way and have a certain body type; there’s always this expectation," Johnson said.

In addition to the journal, Johnson and Turner have created “vision/dream boards” and a coloring book for purchase on their company’s website,

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview teen to sign books at 'Teen Boss' event