These 3 words dumb down the English language

I’m certainly not a Grammar Nazi or a  word-nerd, but people out there really need to focus on cleaning up their language, especially as it relates to overusing three words dumbing down the English language: "like," "literally" and "amazing."

When folks my age, those who can remember the TV show "Cheers," interview you for a job, use of the word “like” as some filler crutch word is maddening. And when done in a high-pitched, nasal, Kardashian-Valley Girl way, it’s akin to torturing us. It makes you seem vapid and, quite frankly, stupid. So, please, stop it.

You know how you kids use the word “amazing,” like, all the time?  Don’t.

Witnessing your child’s birth is amazing. Your sandwich from Whole Foods is not “amazing.” Synonyms in the dictionary for "amazing" include: astonishing, wonderment, astounding, stunning, shocking, breathtaking, spectacular, stupendous and phenomenal. So please stop using “amazing” for anything mildly above average.

The words “like” and “amazing” tend to be used by young women. For some reason, the men of this generation have taken to ending their sentences with a groan or a tapered-off grunt. I'm not sure why that started happening, but it is also annoying. Please stop.

Lastly, you know how both men and women use the word “literally” way too often? Please stop.

"Literally" is a crutch word, one used when you are trying to bring emphasis to an otherwise boring story about yourself. I heard a guy say the other day, “It was literally raining cats and dogs.” Now, unless there was an explosion at the humane shelter, this cannot “literally” be true. For "literally" to work, what you are saying must have a figurative meaning that is actually happening.

While on her book tour to blame everyone but herself for losing the election, Hillary Clinton was asked about her reaction to the results: “I was gobsmacked.”

Say what you will about Trump, he speaks simply and in blue-collar language America understands, not in pretentious words meant to show how smart he is.

Ron Hart is a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author. Contact him at or @RonaldHart on Twitter.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: These 3 words dumb down the English language