Women's group, church donate towels

Crestview Women's Club members and First Baptist Church of Crestview collected several bath cloths and towels as gifts for Crestview Manor residents. The club members recently delivered the towels to the Manor. From left: Linda Parker, Ernestine Byrd, Jeri Jones, Eddie Giovanini, Marilyn Leatherman, Brenda Johns, Jeanne Gutenmann and Sharlene Cox. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

CRESTVIEW — Two local groups worked together to donate towel sets to residents at Crestview Manor.

The recent donation consisted of bath cloths and towel sets from Ida Faye Powell's Sunday school class at First Baptist Church of Crestview, and the General Federation of Women's Club's Crestview chapter.

Women's club members hold bingo games at the Manor once a month, with some gifts consisting of toiletries and other items needed by residents, according to member Linda Parker.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Women's group, church donate towels