God will renew your strength

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview. [File photos | News Bulletin]

I continue with a brief look at one way you can get into proper perspective the matters in your life through brief reflections on Psalm 23.

The first half of verse three states, "He renews my strength."

As I mentioned in last week’s reflection, God invites you to take time to rest your body and mind, to stop rushing from one task or responsibility to another. There is a reason for this.

God invites you to find rest and refreshment in him so your strength can be renewed. Think about weightlifting or running. The longer muscles are exercised in one continuous activity, the more tired they become. When they are used without resting during a workout session, muscles get torn down, and, in time, they stop working. Weightlifters can no longer lift any weight. Runners collapse on the ground. Exhaustion settles in.

The only way for muscles to gain strength is to rest between the times of hard work. It is during the resting periods that strength not only returns, but grows, because the tissue has a chance to heal.

Our Lord heals your tired and worn out heart, soul and mind when you rest in him. He renews your strength and gives you more strength when you rest in his presence, when you feed on him, when you drink deeply of his unending source of living water.

You do not need to be self-sufficient. This is one of the lies foisted on you by an over-achieving society. You do not need to determine your worth by how busy you are. You don’t need to justify your existence. It is okay — even essential — to rest in God’s amazing presence to find strength for each day.

Simply sit in a quiet place that you enjoy — at the beach, along a river or stream, in a park, it’s your choice. Listen to the sounds of nature. Enjoy the fragrances of God’s creation. Allow your mind to reflect on God’s greatness, love, and mercy.

Then you will be strengthened in body, mind and spirit.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: God will renew your strength