Sister City Program, NWFSC to screen French comedy

Little Nicholas and his family head to the beach where he and his new pals get up to all sorts of mischief in “Les Vacances du Petit Nicholas,” a French film shot extensively in Crestview’s Sister City, Noirmoutier, France. The movie screens Nov. 9 at Northwest Florida State College. [Wild Bunch/ M6 Films

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview Area Sister City Program and the Northwest Florida State College Fine and Performing Arts Division will present a free screening of a French comedy extensively filmed in Noirmoutier, France. The French island partners with Crestview and the college through Sister Cities International.

“Les Vacances du Petit Nicholas,” or Little Nicholas’ Vacation, screens 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 9, in the Film Club screening room in the Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Building 110, room 328, on the college’s main Niceville campus.

When members of the Sister City Program and the NWFSC show choirs traveled to Noirmoutier in May 2013, there was only one slight disappointment: access to the landmark Plage de Sableaux pier and beach was restricted because a film crew was shooting major scenes there for what became a celebrated family movie. Visitors took to nearby woods and watched the shooting through the trees.

“This is not just a charming film, but a downright hilarious movie about a young boy and his pals who get into all sorts of mischief, all in the name of protecting him from what he fears are his parents’ efforts to set him up with the rather odd daughter of another vacationing family,” Sister City Program President Brian Hughes said.

“For those of us who have been to Noirmoutier, it is fun seeing recognizable sights around the island,” he added. “For those who have never been on one of our Sister City trips or performed in Noirmoutier with the college’s show choirs, it’s a great chance to see some of the magic scenery that keeps drawing us back there.”

“Les Vacances du Petit Nicholas” is intended for all ages, and is not rated, though a brief, non-salacious scene of a naked buttocks on a beach might earn it a PG were it released in the U.S. The film will be presented in the original French with English subtitles. NWFSC film professor Dr. David Simmons and Hughes will lead a discussion about the movie after the screening.

Refreshments will be served and the event is open to the public. Information about the Sister City Program, which includes members from throughout Okaloosa, Walton and Santa Rosa counties, will be available.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Sister City Program, NWFSC to screen French comedy