Catching up with all-star volleyball player Dominique Thompson

Dominique Thompson of Crestview High School has been playing volleyball for seven years and was recently chosen to be a part of the Subway High School All-Star Volleyball team. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Dominique Thompson is a senior at Crestview High School and one of nine females in Okaloosa County selected to join the 2017 Subway High School All-Star Volleyball team.

The Subway High School All-Star Series is a sequence of games between high school senior athletes from Okaloosa, Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. The main volleyball game is set Nov. 16 at the University of West Florida.

Here, we catch up with Dominique on making the all-star team, her everyday life and her aspirations.

How long have you been playing volleyball?

I have been playing volleyball for seven years.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I really enjoy going out and having a good time with friends and family, but if they're occupied, I would play a fun game of any sport (volleyball, basketball, football).

How much free time do you actually get between sports and school?

I don’t get a lot of free time anymore. On a daily basis, I get about 2-3 hours of free time, and time is something that all teenagers wish they had more of. We only get 24 hours in a day.

Do you play any other sports?

No, not at the school. Volleyball is the one and only sport I love.

How do you feel about making the Subway All-star team?

I am super excited about making the All-Star team. It is an honor to represent my school. I am glad I get so many opportunities because we always don’t get second chances.

What do you want to do as a career?

Law enforcement/criminal justice.

Do you plan on going to college? If so, where?

I do plan on going to college, but I’m deciding on whether or not I want to go South University or Hillsborough Community College.

What's some advice you live by?

Live as if you were going to die tomorrow, and learn as if you were to live forever. Tomorrow is not always guaranteed, so make the best out of today and always seek knowledge. Also try not to procrastinate, it hurts your future.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Catching up with all-star volleyball player Dominique Thompson