Gordon Martial Arts students learn from taekwondo artist

Taekwon-Do Grand Master KS Hwang instructs younger students during a recent Gordon Martial Arts seminar in Crestview. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

CRESTVIEW — In 1955, a 35-year-old two-star South Korean general named Hong Hi Choi coined the term Taekwon-Do. About 10 years later he formed the International Taekwon-Do Federation, which would serve as a launching platform for millions to do the most popular martial art in the world. Before his death in 2002, seven men were promoted to the highest rank of 9th degree black belt. The second of those men is Kwang S. Hwang.

In the martial arts world, getting the opportunity to meet a first-generation martial artist is unusual. An opportunity to catch a seminar with one is even more unlikely. On Nov. 2, the students at Gordon Martial Arts were able to learn directly from Grand Master KS Hwang. During the seminar the students were taught in fundamentals of Taekwon-Do with principles of generation of power as went through all of the color belt patterns. Afterward there was opportunity for pictures and quick visits.

Hwang was born in 1942 and started his martial arts training at age 11. Graduating top of his class, in 1968–1969, he was one of the Taekwon-Do instructors dispatched to Vietnam during the war. While in Vietnam, as a captain in the ROKA, he taught the art to the Korean Tiger Division, the Korean Army, U.S. Army, U.S. Marines, and Vietnamese Army.

While in Vietnam, he received commendation medals from Korea and Vietnam. In 1971 he was service company commander of the 26th Infantry Division, which was also known as the Taekwon-Do Division. After leaving his military career, he moved to the USA and opened a martial arts school. Today he travels around the world teaching Taekwon-Do.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Gordon Martial Arts students learn from taekwondo artist