Sex offender lists Crestview address

Emmett Eugene Giddiens, a sexual predator, is a white male with blonde hair and blue eyes. He 6-feet-four-inches tall and weighs 400 pounds.

CRESTVIEW — Emmett Eugene Giddiens, 46, a sex predator, has filed a change of address with the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office.

Crestview addresses on file for Giddiens include a permanent address of 6215 Sunburst Drive S. and a temporary address of 4154 Randi Road.

Giddiens is a white male with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is 6 feet, four inches tall and weighs 400 pounds.

A Washington County, Florida, judge convicted him July 28, 2010 of sexual battery by an adult on victim under age 12, eight counts of possession of a photo or picture showing a sexual performance by a child, and lewd or lascivious molestation of a victim under age 12 by an offender 18 or older.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Sex offender lists Crestview address