My Druncle Mac’s take on the Harvey Weinstein fallout

We took my parents home to Alabama for the Crimson Tide vs. LSU game Saturday, and I had occasion to get some insight into current events from my Druncle Mac. I pass on his blue collar views because I feel strongly that they go a long way to explain why Trump is President.

Mac will never win a humanitarian award. I once saw him call the manager over when he saw a baby changing station in an airport men’s restroom to tell him, “There must be some kind of design flaw.” He made the manager promise to look into it. He also says, “I have two favorite songs. One is Elvis’ rendition of ‘Dixie,’ the other is not.”

Confronted about his “drinking problem,” he said, "When you think about it, it’s really the police’s problem.”

My Druncle Mac had an interesting take on the Harvey Weinstein case: “I’m lucky to be too poor to have any accusers come forward to say I got grab-ass with them years ago.”

His point is that sexual harassment claims are a rich man’s problem. These women (via a Gloria Allred-type attorney) all seem to be coming out saying they were inappropriately touched years ago. By whom? The answer, all too often is, “anyone willing to settle.”

Long ago, Los Angeles declared itself a sanctuary city for powerful, ugly, nasty old men. Men that ugly can only get action by trafficking in their power. The same can be said for powerful politicians in D.C. Washington has long been the Hollywood for ugly people.

Mac went on to pontificate that most of these “victims” who suddenly came forward with claims of sexual harassment had to know Weinstein’s reputation and went to his hotel room anyway. When one actress was asked, “Why didn’t you NOT go to a married movie producer’s hotel room, knowing what you know about him?”, she responded, “And give up on show business?”.

There is always truth in his drunken, blue-collar observations. He readily admits men are cads. Mac has always said, “God created man in just one day, on the seventh, when He was probably not paying attention — and it shows.”

Free market capitalism quickly punishes boorish-like Harvey Weinsteins. Just when you think no one could mess up his career worse than Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey pops up and says, “Wait a second, hold my Appletini.”

There might be a comeback opportunity for Spacey and Weinstein: I hear Subway is looking for a new spokesman.

Keep in mind, Druncle Mac has not had the best relationships with women. I once asked him how he and his then-wife were doing, he said, “Ronnie, not so great. We took out large insurance policies on each other; now it’s just a waiting game.”  This from a man who does not buy car insurance. We were watching a Geico commercial on TV that promised to save 20 percent on car insurance. Mac said that was nothing; he saved 100 percent on car insurance by leaving the scene of every accident he’s ever been in.

In essence, Weinstein was using his position and extorting ambitious actresses for sex. Awful, yes, but being a horn-dog jerk is not a crime. Otherwise, Bill Clinton would be serving life.

Rape and assault are serious crimes and should be examined in this case. The sad thing is that, in some states, the woman who taped Weinstein in his hotel room proving her case would face felony eavesdropping charges. The reluctance to come forward could be traced to our unchecked and convoluted legal system where “Russian collusion” investigations end up with unrelated bystander charges.

Both Mac and Harvey are walking and talking testaments to the fact that telling someone to “just be yourself” is terrible advice to give some people.

There are always going to be creeps, and piling on after not saying anything when it happened do not make victims “heroes.”

This #Me,too seems too late, victimizing and self-congratulatory. But Hollywood created this world.

Weinstein, Ratner, et al. are still around Hollywood. Bill Cosby, Woody Allen and O.J. are too.

Ron Hart is a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author. Contact him at or @RonaldHart on Twitter.

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"These women (via a Gloria Allred-type attorney) all seem to be coming out saying they were inappropriately touched years ago. By whom? The answer, all too often is, 'anyone willing to settle.'"

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: My Druncle Mac’s take on the Harvey Weinstein fallout