Pot-bellied pigs searching for homes

Katie Bruno, an animal control officer at PAWS, holds WeeWee, a pot-bellied pig who is up for adoption. [PAWS/CONTRIBUTED PHOTO]

LAUREL HILL — Two little pot-bellied piggies are looking for their forever home.

The swine are currently being held at the Panhandle Animal Welfare Society’s Laurell Hill location, according to Amanda Moore, community development coordinator at PAWS. She said the pair of piglets, named Chloe and WeeWee, came into the shelter around two months ago as an owner surrender and have spent their entire lives being cared for in a home environment. 

“They were raised inside a woman’s house,” Moore said. “Chloe ate baby food and WeeWee was bottle fed.”

The piglets are under a year old and currently weigh a little over 40 pounds.

Moore said both pigs have qualities that would make them adoptable.

“Chloe is actually really smart and has learned to sit in order to get treats,” Moore said. “And WeeWee is super cute, he really likes little kids. My son Jagger would go and feed him all the time by hand.”

The pigs came in around the same time as another pig named Plopper, who has already found his forever home.

Katie Bruno, an animal control officer at PAWS who has been helping to care for the piglets, said the animals are very sociable and would make a suitable addition to someone’s home, just like a puppy or new dog.

“They are extremely friendly,” Bruno said. “Chloe knows some tricks like a dog would. She knows 'sit' and 'down.' WeeWee is just over-the-top and super sociable.”

Bruno added the pigs would need to be adopted separately because they “don’t get along.”

She said they would need to be trained in a home environment just like any other animal, but overall would make great pets.

“Pot bellies are on the rise of becoming domesticated pets,” she said. “They are extremely smart. Your average pig can retain as much information as a three-year-old child.”

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Pot-bellied pigs searching for homes