2 Crestview men accused of sex trafficking

Anthony “Ant” Miles and De’Jion “Day Day” Kimbrough

An Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office investigation has led to the arrest of two Crestview men in connection with a sex trafficking operation that allegedly prostituted young females, including a juvenile, in Okaloosa County.

Some of the victims say the pair used threats, battery, imprisonment and drugs to make them comply.

The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office has charged 22-year-old De’Jion "Day Day" Kimbrough of Brickhill Court and 25-year-old Anthony "Ant" Miles of Hagood Loop with use of coercion for commercial sexual activity of a child under the age of 18 and use of coercion for commercial sexual activity of an adult.

Miles faces an additional charge of unlawful sexual activity with minors. Kimbrough faces similar charges out of DeKalb County, Georgia.

The OCSCO Internet Crimes Against Children investigator began an inquiry in October of 2016 after a juvenile probation officer reported her suspicions that juvenile females were being sex trafficked in Okaloosa County through advertisements on the website Backpage.com.

An OCSO investigator gathered information from victims who said Miles and Kimbrough would prostitute them at a Destin motel, take all or a portion of the money earned for sexual acts, and would also take females to Orlando, Tallahassee and other locations. One victim said in Destin, many of the customers were businessmen who had just arrived in town.

The OCSO investigator reportedly found corroborating evidence on cell phones, social media accounts and through the execution of a search warrant on Sept. 18 at Keep Safe Storage on Hospital Drive in Crestview. During a search of a space rented by Miles, lawmen reportedly found the driver’s license of one of the victims, who had said her license was taken from her as punishment.

Kimbrough was taken into custody Dec. 5 and Miles on Dec. 12.

Both are being held without bond in the Okaloosa County Jail.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 2 Crestview men accused of sex trafficking