Northwest Florida genealogy fair scheduled

Tom and Irene Price have several years of experience in genealogy research. [JOSH PETERSON | SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

FORT WALTON BEACH — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will present the 2018 Northwest Florida Family History Fair.

The three-part seminar, which is free to attend, is 9 a.m. to noon March 3 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Stake Center, 339 Lake Drive, Fort Walton Beach.

Among the presenters are Tom and Irene Price, of Rexburg, Idaho, who have trained people in the art of family history since November 2015. In 2016 they gave 94 presentations to about 1,000 people. They are two LDS senior volunteers who devote 18 months and more of their lives to serving others.

Also presenting information is Ersula Knox Odom, an author. The Tampa resident's training session is "Stop Throwing your Legacy into the Trash!" She'll give advice on what to do with seemingly insignificant items when cleaning, downsizing or moving.

She asks that fair attendees bring their "favorite of all time picture," or one of someone else who is special to you.

Jon Shepherd, Marie Helene Legge, Marc Strickland, Tom Johnson, Brooke Hansan, Kay Rudolph, Miriam Lofthouse, Cindy Barbara, Margaret Harris, Libby Crow and Wayne and Joan Stalvey will also speak at the event.

The event is divided into three 40-minute sessions.

Session 1 topics include: Family Secret Agent; Military Records; European Records; Making an Oral Life History; Writing a Personal History; Basic Family Search; FamilySearch Indexing; and Best of the Rest Records.

Classes offered in the second session include: DNA; Google Earth for Genealogists; European Research; African-American Research; Making an Oral Life History; Basic Family Search; Primary & Secondary Sources; and Best Internet Sites for Genealogy.

The final session includes: Advanced Family Search Doc; Military Records; and Land Records; DNA; African-American Research; Favorite Family History Internet Sites; and Writing a Personal History.

Other offerings during the event are Family History Center Portal Q and A Sessions, Family History Help Center and various displays.

Email questions about classes to, or visit the Northwest Florida Family History Fair-2018 Facebook page for a registration form.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Northwest Florida genealogy fair scheduled