Are you a good driver? Crestview PD will give you free pizza

Crestview Police Community Services officer Sam Kimmons poses with a pizza from Papa Murphy's. Under the new Food From the Fuzz program he initiated, motorists who

are observed practicing good driving skills will be rewarded not with the Mini Murph pizza he is

displaying, but a certificate for a full-sized Papa Murphy’s FAVES pizza. [BRIAN HUGHES/CPD]

CRESTVIEW —  If you're a safe driver, you might want to spend some time driving in Crestview. 

The Crestview Police Department announced Tuesday it would be rewarding safe drivers with a voucher for one free Papa Murphy's pizza.

According to a press release from CPD spokesman Brian Hughes, a free Papa Murphy’s “FAVES” pizza awaits Crestview motorists who drive safely and courteously and get caught in the act. The reward is part of a new “Food From the Fuzz” initiative to encourage and recognize safe driving practices in the county seat.

“Under this program, Crestview Police officers may initiate a traffic stop based upon observed safe operation of a motor vehicle,” Community Services Officer Sam Kimmons said.

“We’re going to reward you for good driving,” Police Chief Tony Taylor said. “It’s as simple as that.”

Under the program, officers have standardized criteria to look for. Examples of safe operation include “using hands-free devices or having children properly buckled up.” Others include using a seat belt, maintaining a safe following distance, courteous driving, proper use of turn signals, and observing the speed limit.

When stopped for safe operation of their vehicles, drivers are offered the opportunity to opt out of the program and are immediately allowed to leave under most circumstances. If they wish to participate, the officer will ask for the driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance.

If all the documentation checks out, the officer will present the driver with a certificate for a free Papa Murphy’s “FAVES” pizza, redeemable at their Crestview location, 2670 Ferdon Blvd. S.

However, if the documentation isn’t in order, or if the officer notices openly visible unlawful behavior or materials, such as DUI impairment, drug paraphernalia, narcotics or open alcoholic beverage containers, “proper law enforcement action will be taken,” Kimmons said.

“If you don’t want to participate in the program, if everything checks out, you’re free to go,” Chief Taylor said. “But who wants to pass up a free pizza?”

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Are you a good driver? Crestview PD will give you free pizza