Both West teams win in 2018 Subway High School All-Star Basketball Games


PENSACOLA — This was the fourth game of the 2017-18 Subway High School All-Star Series.

The West Girls defeated the East Girls 79 to 67. The East Girls MVP was forward Amber Leggett of Choctaw High School with 13 points. The West Girls MVP was guard Lauren Walker of Washington High School with 10 points.

The West Boys defeated the East Boys 109 to 87. The East Boys MVP was guard Marquis Jackson of Choctaw High School with 10 points. The West Boys MVP was guard Blake Lewis of Pine Forest High School with 17 points.

The East won the All-Star Volleyball Game Nov. 16 on four sets to two. The East defeated the West Dec. 16 in football 34-28 in overtime. On March 1, the East Girls defeated the West 9 to 1, and the East Boys Defeated the West 1 to 0.

The remaining game of the 2017-18 Subway HSAS is baseball and softball June 7 at the University of West Florida.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Both West teams win in 2018 Subway High School All-Star Basketball Games