Garden Park one site for residents to enjoy

Jornell Taylor, Celia Broadhead and Beach Campbell recently did some gardening at Garden Park in Crestview. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

Garden Park is the triangular-shaped piece of property at the corner of State Road 85 and Main Street. It was created when State Road 85 was put in. The City of Crestview owns this piece of property and the Dogwood Garden Club maintains it.

In the 1980s the Crestview Garden Club cleared it of weeds and debris, and landscaped the park. They maintained the park for many years until the Dogwood Garden Club began the maintenance. The city waters and mows the grass.

This is a lovely area with shady trees and beautiful flowers, along with tables and benches. Many people bring their lunches and eat in Garden Park while relaxing among the beauty.

In 2017 vandals broke the cement benches at the park. A team from the City of Crestview Department of Public Works placed the new benches, which Lowe's donated. The team then leveled the benches and the tables. Another member of the Public Works team cleans the city parks and has been invaluable in helping maintain Garden Park.

If you should see any vandalism, please notify the Crestview Police Department.

The new benches are very much appreciated. The Garden Club would like to convey their thanks for the kind donation to Garden Park. We know that the residents will once again enjoy being able to sit on benches while they eat their lunches.

In 2016, officials relocated and rededicated the Blue Star Marker in Garden Park, a fitting place for it. The marker commemorates and honors the men and women who have or are currently serving in our military.

If you are interested in gardening and would like to learn more about Garden Park and gardening in general, Dogwood Garden Club would love to have you as a member. Meetings are first Mondays during from September through May at 10:30 a.m. in members' homes. Contact Beach Campbell, 682-2691, for more information.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Garden Park one site for residents to enjoy