Crestview city council approves alcohol application for nonprofits


CRESTVIEW — Nonprofit organizations can now apply to serve alcohol at events on Main Street after the city council unanimously approved the application during Monday's special meeting.

City Clerk Elizabeth Roy said in the meeting that the application is only for events taking place in the Main Street area Commercial Business District.

The application includes the event form, Main Street alcohol permit, requests for police services and an insurance agreement.

“This has actually been in place for two years, but now we have the applications,” Roy said.

Nonprofit organizations can begin the application process as soon as they are up on the city website, but each requirement must be complete three weeks before the next council meeting, according to city officials. The requirements include presenting a map of the event's location to the council for approval. Also stated in the application, the organization will be required to give out arm bands to anyone consuming alcohol.

Roy said the council, police department, fire department, and parks and recreation must approve the application before the event takes place.

The council unanimously approved the documents with two members, Joe Blocker and Shannon Hayes, absent from the meeting.

City council meetings are held at city hall, 198 Wilson St. every month on the second and fourth Monday.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview city council approves alcohol application for nonprofits