Me too is fine as long as it is them and not us

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Democrats latched onto the "Me Too" movement when the men accused of sexually assaulting women were President Donald Trump and Justice Brett Kavanaugh. But when Democrats are accused of bad behavior toward women, Democrats aren’t the morally superior culture warriors they pretend to be when conservatives are in the crosshairs.

During the recent Supreme Court confirmation hearing, and subsequent rehearing, battle lines were drawn with respect to whether Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted one or more women when in high school and college. A lack of actual evidence forced Senators to make their decisions based on "he said/she said" testimony about events that were more than three decades old.

Believe it or not, Republicans believed Kavanaugh. Democrats believed his accusers. I’m sure both sides reached their conclusions based solely on evidence and not at all right down partisan lines.

One of the telling portions of the debate and discussion surrounding the argument over Kavanaugh was when President Trump mocked Al Franken for quickly resigning when he was accused of similar actions before becoming a Senator. Trump talked about how quickly Franken folded in the face of adversity.

Of course, if there had been embarrassing photos of Kavanaugh with some of his accusers, I’m sure the debate would have gone differently.

If Kavanaugh had been nominated by Barack Obama and those same accusations had landed on a Republican Senator’s desk, the same play would have been staged with all of the actors playing very different parts — although I’m sure Mitch McConnell would still have been a total jerk and James Lankford would have still spoken on both sides of the issue before voting how he was told.

Sen. Kamala Harris’ genuine concern for the woman whose life was thrown into turmoil by reliving a horrible life experience in a partisan environment that was ill-equipped to find justice for either side was nothing more than crocodile tears. It was great drama. The problem is that the college professor making the claims wasn’t trying to score political points. She isn’t positioning herself for a run for higher office. She had her life turned upside down and went from a silent victim to victim who told her story and wasn’t believed. I’m not sure which would be worse.

All you need to see to know that the battle was about partisan gamesmanship and not right or wrong, just check out Hillary Clinton’s most recent interview.

Many feel that telling Clinton to keep her opinions to herself is a sexist attitude intended to silence a strong woman. I’m sure that’s part of it. But could I be correct in believing it is also an attempt to keep literally the only Democrat capable of losing an election to a man who was recorded saying he liked to "grab women by the (not going to say it in this newspaper)" out of the headlines during the final three weeks before the midterm elections?

I can’t think of another person who could have lost to Trump. Republicans don’t even like him. But they like him a lot more than they like her. She has her own issues, but her handling of the Bill Clinton scandals in the White House and beyond wasn’t ideal.

Hillary shouldn’t carry blame for Bill’s indiscretions in the White House, but she is culpable for her own actions and reactions afterward.

Just this week, Clinton said she did not believe that her then 49-year-old husband having an affair with a 22-year-old intern was an abuse of his power.

He was 49. She was 22. He was the most powerful man in the world. She was an intern in his office.

That is absolutely an abuse of power. But Clinton stopped caring about women’s rights as soon as it was her husband and her party’s president that violated them.

Monica Lewinsky said she believes it was an abuse of his power even though the relationship was consensual. I guess Democrats don’t always "believe her."

Through her Twitter feed, Clinton criticized Kavanaugh for his behavior and her belief that he lied about facts in the case. But 25 years later, she still doesn’t hold her husband accountable for his actions or obviously lying about them. Maybe he didn’t lie. I guess that depends "on what the meaning of is, is."

Hillary had no problem with that and said Bill was right not to have stepped down. I think Kavanaugh lied too. The difference is, I would have held them both accountable, not just the Republican.

The world isn’t a better place than it was 25 years ago. If a woman gets sexually assaulted or harassed, she still has to hope that her abuser isn’t well connected or at least doesn’t belong to the party in power.

The Democrats love the "Me Too" movement as long as the accused is "them not us."

In the same way the guy who helped run a Christian campground in Oklahoma was able to cast his vote in favor of a man accused of sexual assault and lying to Congress, Democratic Senators would throw a woman under the same partisan bus if the situation were reversed.

Kent Bush is publisher of Shawnee (Oklahoma) News-Star and can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Me too is fine as long as it is them and not us