Nonprofit seeks donations for Thanksgiving outreach


CRESTVIEW — The nonprofit New Way of Life Outreach Ministry is preparing for its annual Thanksgiving Feast and needs help with donations and Thanksgiving-day servers.

New Way of Life is asking all businesses and individuals in the surrounding areas to help feed the homeless and hungry.

"I know that there are a lot of us that don't know what it is like to b ehungry and in need and without family this time of year," a press release from New Way of Life says.

The organization is asking for turkeys and hams, vegetables, canned goods, eggs, disposable plates and utensils, dairy products and desserts. The organization asks that all donations be in by Nov. 19.

New Way of Life is also asking for help to serve food Thanksgiving Day.

"This is an open invitation to all military, (emergency medical service), Sheriff department and any type of law enforcement," the press release says, "to come out and participate with us on Thanksgiving day at 2 p.m."

Call 826-5908 or 826-5909 for more information and a complete list of needs. New Way of Life is located at 398 North Spring St. in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Nonprofit seeks donations for Thanksgiving outreach