LETTERS TO SANTA: ANTIOCH Elementary — Susanne Eliason's class


Antioch Elementary

Susanne Eliason’s class

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have been very good. How is Mrs. Claus, the elves, and the reindeer? I would like you to bring a 20 pack of Hot Wheels toy cars.

Merry Christmas, Owen

Dear Santa,

How are you? I been good for Chirsmas. I will make your cookies and milk so you can be happy. I want for chirsmas, a chapter book: junie b jones is not a crook.

Love, Xiomaris

Dear Santa,

How are you and Rudolph? I have been very good. I would like you to bring a dog.

your friend,

Hayden G.

dear Santa Claus,

haw are you? I am doing an awsome job! how is Ms. Claus? I hope you and Ms. Claus are having an awesome job too. and how are the elves? I hope the elves are having a great time. and how is Rudolph? I hope he is having a great job. and how do the elves feel about making toys? and the thing I want you to bring me is a pink guirtar. bye! Merry Christmas!

love Anabelle

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have been good and I want a 65 foot baot how is Rudolph boing.

Love Colton

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have been very good. How is Mrs. Clas the elves and Rudolph? I would like you to brig me a nrf tace and a rino fire and a new ipad and a atamatic litil nrf robot.

love Nolan

Dear Santa

I want to now how you have bin doing sice you gave me the last leter. I want you to know I bin very good I got four A and one B in class. How is the Elys and Mrs. claus I am going to mack good cookeis but do not get a tuumy ake. now I want to tell you what I want for Christmas I want deks for my room and my sister can have my old one I am olden now I will thick adeot it bye

Love haden h.

Dear Santa,

How is it going? I don’t know why we don’t see you as much. How is Rudolph? Iv’e been very good in school. Can you please give me a water gun, 3 pokemon GX’s of any kind and 2 pokemon boxes full of pokemon cards.

Love, Logan

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is mrs. Claus? Is Rudolph? I miss Brynlee so much. Can you bring me some horse laygoes? How are the elf? can you bring some winter close pleaes?

Merry Christmas,


Dear santa, claus

How are you? I have been very good. How is mrs claus , the elves and rudolfh? I would like you to bring a mermad tail and fun math books and some coloring books and some books and some smelly markers and a doll house that dolls go with it and some bikes and clothers and shoes and socks and school supplies and squshie food and cool looking notebooks and coloerful nails!

Love A’lahna

Dear Santa

How are you? I have ben very good How is mrs. claus and Rudolph I would like you to bring me eny thing you have santa thank you? OH and Don’t for get to bring my Bruther and Sister toys to if you have time you can. We all thank you for your speshell toys

from Alexis

Dear Santa,

How are you I have been very Good can you say hi for. Rudolph also say hi for the elves and mrs, clous i would like you to bring me power rangers ninja Steel Gold rangers NerfGun. merry Christmas

your Friend Jude

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have been good. I like you. I love chrismis. You are cool. I like you becuce you go into my House.

love Abigail

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa? I hope your having fun? Is Mrs claws a good baker? How is Dasher and commit. Are the elfs being good? Is it cold there? Do you sleep are you getting ready for christmas? Are you already delivering presents? I think iv been good I hope you do to.

yours truly, Alyssa

Dear Santa

I want a Nindostich, Comeper fome shoes games.


Dear Santu

Hi I can’t wate to sed this note to you! Chirmis is my farit holaday. Want I want for chismis is a to have a thee house for me and my triends and a pool so I can swim and a my dad to come bake so. That’s what I what for chisrmis.

Love: Maci

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs. Claws, the elves, and the reindeer? For christmas I would like a new video game controller for me and my brother. I would also like a bath bomb maker for christmas.

Love, Lynnzi

Dear santa,

How are you? I have been kind of good and kind of bad. How is Miss. Clous and the elves? Can I get some presents


Dear Santa

hare you doing? How is Rudolph? I,m a very good.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTERS TO SANTA: ANTIOCH Elementary — Susanne Eliason's class