LETTERS TO SANTA: Northwood Elementary


Joe Ballreich's class

Dear Santa,

I want numnum’s and I want a tv and a slime. Hello Santa you are the best and I believe in you. I hope you stay alive. You are the best. And I hope you be safe. Isabella

Dear Santa,

I want a dolly and a dook and sum papr. Aja

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a barbe bag with make up ad a flipazoo and a American gril but a grril wan and a boy wan with hed fons that look like my little bruther and my American girl that look like me. Brenda

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I wate the super mairo ouspese and one piseis uiuse cande Aloso wate is are fievete coacoaca. Alex

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas… I wont a majmaj clor msheen plees. And I wont a role plees. And I wont a JoJoseewa amaicin grln doll plees. Aand I love misotooh. Cassidy

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would wanted a basketball hope, and a cat. What is your favorat cookies? Daniel

Dear Santa,

This year for cristmas. I want hot wells. Lego city and a hover bord. Do raindear eat cookes or pezza or cookes and pezza? Nathaniel

Dear Santa,

I would like to have some pant. And a coloring book. And last a soccerball. Zoe

Dear Santa,

Can I pleas get the lol dolls and a elf on the shelf and a playdoll set. And were do you get magic. Jitaya

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas i wot lago dmejn for Christmas and i will live cookes for you. And i wot a chret for mi dog. Maddox

Dear Santa,

This year I won,t a meadyam alethruck moats sicker, A rmote cunthrlo drone, and a real live Perit. I will leav you cookeas. I hope you have a merea crismis and tell mis.clas I told her hi. Austin

Dear Santa,

This year for christmiss. I want 10 finger Boards, a skate Boad, an new hat. Iv Been good all year so please. Seth

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas LoL Das and LoL Pers. Vr. N a Christmas big babey. Litr hacn mr’s sasis. McKinlee

Dear Santa,

Pece bring Dino 15 Dinosors toys and pghone I have been good All year. Joshua

Dear Santa,

This cristmas i wanta American Doll. Big BOX of LoL Dolls. And a hover bord that turns into the stuff. Bella

Dear Santa,

This year for crismas i want a computer. And a puppy. I want tottly acret battle simulater. And what your favrit pizza? Kippy

Dear Santa,

This year for chrismas I want is iPhone8, and a apple watch and a laplab and a baby aLive. Deoyahna

Dear Santa,

I Wunt 1 nerf snipers a chepelen, and a x box one. Trevor

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas a LoL a BUBBY alive a havr bord. Santa I wich you wan sin rosy take you. Kelcie

Chelsea Hall's class

Dear Santa,

The main thing I want is a drone. The 2nd main thing I want is a magic kit. The 3rd main thing I want some Mickey replakcas. The 4th main thing I want is a chocolate maker. Nice Ethan

Dear Santa,

i have been gooD so I hope i am on The gooD list and i want a xbox 1 Thank you and have a mary Christmas. Mary chrisTmas Santa, From gavin

Dear Santa,

I wish I could get some books for reading class & some math books for math class & some bagels. merry Christmas Santa. love Bella

Dear Sant,

I wont Pcmon and bob lab so nantreX and Mog tron sin sear. Lov, Dakotah

Dear Santa,

I wot a rcar and a mord sikl and a noo biek and to spin time with my family. Dear Santa I wot sum moor orumis and a stor and a tinn bling ring and a iecs skading ring. Landen

Dear saint nick,

all I want for cristmas is something satistfing not slime I have a bunch of those from church, I achuly dont care what I get for cristmas. Your beilver, Havoc

Dear Santa,

I whod realy like to see my sister for Christmas and I whod like knetic sand lot’s of it please and a cotten candy maker and Ipad and some legos to play with me and Brother and some paper and some colored Pencils, to draw with. Lylah

Dear Santa,

What I relly whant for Chrismas is a phone and a new bike and a sinces set. and arts & crafts? and can my mommy have a car? Can you heal my dogs pain for my gigi? Can you help grampa jim feel better? Come back for me, Kylie

Dear Santa,

I want a toy gan I want gravdigr the big RC. Sahir

Dear Satu,

I wut a Fozin boll and I wut a tablit and I wut a boll how tocx to me Satu. I wut a sack not a ril sack a fak sack Satu. I buw not wut a fog at hom Satu. You tak me to the nuth pow to see the elf. Satu. Layla

Dear Santa Claus,

My mom said I was a very good girl this year. I’m going on vication for Christmas. Please leave us our presents. What I want for Christmas is a Justice gift card, figet spiner, a real pricess crown, craft box, box of LOLs. Homework book. From: Lucia

Dear Santa Claus,

Santy Claus I want a iPhoneX. I also want a iPad. I also want some money. I want some athletic shorts and pants and shirts. I also want 1 million roubux. I also want a PS4. I want Mansion. Love: Ryan

Dear Santa,

with I want for crimis is a big sprise LOL and a slimecit. A glow in the dock slime and my kusin is coming and pleess give Joly a presit and I wish you a mary crimis santa and a happy noow yeer. and a happy noow yeer, Tia

Dear Santa,

I wont a sckatbord for chrismis. I now I havint bin so good in school, and whith my grads, I promis that I’ll bren my grads up! Jace

Dear Stana,

I whant for crastmas I wanted is some Books for me for reading class to but plaess Stana. Can I have a math Book to Stana. Love Amya


awu like a JoJoBon doll and a camru so I can make videos SANTA wen the elfs lev Bjamus can I have girl elf on the selvs Bjamus and slim a greeiS and chocklis SANTA and m&m’s and LOL’s and a Mr Mad fasin book# artset. Lily

Dear Santa,

Thank you for bringin presint’s to us. You are nice Santa. This Christmas I want two wokytalky’s two controoll helicoptor’s. and a four weeler. Thank you Santa, Xavion

Dear Santa,

Wat i want for chrismis is any thing with Hello Kitty. All so magic and americen flags. I all so Want BooKs about prinsesses. I wod like rose seebs. And i wont cats. I want to have an acrenea. I wod want Hello Kitty sliprs. From: rose

Dear Santa,

This christmas I want a pack of gel pens, a nintendo switch, a mew plushie, a mew and mewtwo lego set, a big harry potter wand that is heromione’s wand, a cat now globe, a computer, a boogie board, a sushie go game. Your friend always, Isabella

Ashley Hewett's class

Dear Santa

Mrs. Clause how does Santa and his elf’s make toys? I would like a JoJo Doll, toy cat. I hope you have a good time. Your friend Vanessa

Dear Santa,

Did you and Mrs. Clause dliver pesit togethr. I would like a LPE, kultre baby, and ulivfirede for Christmas. I hope you a joll Christmas. Love you Santa. Kaleigh-Beth

Dear Santa,

Do you like kids I would like a coputer, pod, and puppy for Christmas. ill be shore to make you some choclet chip cookies for you! By your friend iriel

Dear Santa,

How far is the North Pole? I would like a diray, notebook, and a jurnal for Christmas. I hope you a Merry Christmas and I love you! And I will make you a cup of milk and cookies! Your friend, Camryn

Dear Santa,

I have been goof and I wood like a haverbourd and I will like a LOL. I will not for get rood off the raun deer and Im in secent grade and I been good and I all so did not a what did you have for thanksgiving? from Brooke

Dear Santa,

Did you have a very nise thanks giving Sant Sant how are you doing at the noth pull I wold like bike house dog. how are you doing? Your frend Jusin

Dear Santa,

how does the elefs make 1000 toys in one day? I would like pokymon, Xa gym red Jordens, and eletrec cotar! I will make sher to leve you and the randdears a snake. Your friend, Jaesyn

Dear Santa,

should I leave out a snack for your reindeer? For Christmas can I have the pokemon dragon majesty premium collection dragonite hyper rare GX box please? I wish you a good Christmas!! Your friend, Evan

Dear Santa,

can you git me a now bike, toy cars, and candey. Nd you have a ril elfe Santa? Love Eli

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Clause? This year can I please have mincraft story made 2, and splatoon 2? I hope you have a very merry Christmas. I love x-mas. Your dear, Silas

Der Stu

I hop that you hav a verey good cismis. Can you git me this? A box fit with tos a bolsinr.

Sii Xander

Dear Santa,

Did you and Mrs. Clause have a good day? I would like a hagboe, lite live pet a bog I would like it wihat the cloe and it would galid one, a wiate toy horse liuson a grild one. I like Santa you are good. love Kylie

Dear Santa,

Did you and Mrs. Claus have a good day? I would like a psu pro, new 3ds games, and a good Christmas for Christmas. I will give you a bunch of cookies. Your fan, Dexter

Dear Santa,

Wut cine of cooke do you like? I would like a lol doll but a big sister one, a little lol babey sister one, and a lol pet too. For Christmas I hope you have a good Christmas! Your freind, Johannah

Dear Santa,

How do you bild all those toys? the things I want a nyef vest and a tub of Nef bullets thank you I hope you have a Goood crismas with Ms. Clase. Love Cameron

Dear Santa,

Do you give every kid egzatly What they want? I would like a LEGO unikitty fairground fun set and a shop kin pick-n-pcak set for Cristmas. I will leave some milk, cookies, and carrots for the reinder. Best wishes, Kayla

Dear Santa,

What did Jake do during the fall? I would like a rodly set, nfl football, and cputrer for Christmas. Tucker

Dear Saota

How are you at the north I wut for crimi is a boll shokis and LOL. By Shalajah

Dear Santa,

Did you and Mrs. Clause have a good Thanksgiving. I would like a little LOL, Shopkins, and a fitbit for Christmas. I been a good girl and I love Christmas so much because it a great holiday for me and it the best and my favirte. From Maritza

Christine Vickers' class

Dear Santa,

How do you make tous? I would like a fingr lig, xbox and slim You are the best!!!! Kamden

Dear Santa,

How are the elfs are you do wing o.k. I love you su much. I would like a puppy, tendosich Im go wing to leve concis for you and some milk. I love you Santa have a Merry Christmas, I love you. Your frind, Jordan

Dear Santa,

How do the raindeer fly? I would like a bike, Bay-Blades, and flashcards for Christmas. I will leave you cookies and some milke I hope you have a Marry Christmas. Your friend, Ethan

Dear Santa,

how many cokeys have you eatin latly? I would like a Switch, Santa hat and a puppy for Christmas. I hope getting all the stof is int a bother. Your friend, Mallorie

Dear Santa Clause,

Did you have a Good hollwing with Mrs Clause? I went a new Bike in Brbe Dream cumper. Gabrielle

Dear Santa

I hope to see you. I want a Kalring Book. Thankuyou. Love Arianna

Dear Santa,

Do yo have a mashik hat and no wear your riandeer fly? Are you fake or real? I would like a toy, smil and hot wheels for Christmas. I love you Santa and Merry Chistmas. Your friend, Gabriel

dear Santa,

You Are the best how is it like At the north pole how do you get power you are the best I would like jan car, and a xbix wine a contrler and a PC now you know what I want. Josiah

Dear Santa,

How do you make tous? I would like a nobook for Christmas. I hope you have a goob bay! Your friend, Madelyn

Dear Santa,

How is Frosty the Snow Man? I would like slim, pC ttrm and a calinr. Santa I hope you have a Mary Christmas! Your BFF, Hunter

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Clause? I would like a LoL, dog. I hope you have a merry Christmas. Love, Alexis

Dear Santa,

Thanks for all the toys that you have give use! I would like a nerf gun, nerf rivl. Tell Mrs Cause that she looks butful! Thank you, Luke

Dear Santa,

Are you and Mrs. Clause and the elfs doing Well? I would like a Nentendow Switch, for Christmas. I will be Sher to leav the raindeer Some food and I will give you coockes and milk. Your friend, Alivia

Dear Santa,

how is roudoff Last Chrismas did he guid your slay I would like a carma, Fit bit, and xbox-1 for Chrismas and I will leave cookies and milk for you. Your friend, A.J.

Dear Santa,

How are the Elfs doing are the Elfs handing presses? I woud like a haverbord, intend and a X-box 1 for Christmas. I will live cookes on the table I hope you have a Merry christmas Your friend, Javion

Dear Santa

Did you have a good day? I would like a 500 $ gift card, red Iphone 8, and a mord board. I hope you have a good Christmas. Your friend, Jean-Carlos

Megan Mundle's class

Dear Santa,

can I have a fortnight card so I can play Zombies. And my elf is makeing a mess and it is fun to find him. Sometimes it is easy to find him. He likes my fish and my lizard but he died and can I get a lizard. Micah

Dear Santa,

Thx for leting Kller Willow com back. Love, Joey

Dear Santa,

i bin realy good and I lick toys I want a huver Bard and nerf guns and a X bax 1 cunchroller my littol Brather Broock the 2int won and I wont a 20000 (V) Bucks in Fortnite I love yue Santa. Brandon

Dear Santa,

I Lik You when you give out presents. I whoud like a blanket that is cosey and a doll that is cosey to and not scary please. I try my best to get a token. I now that I am smart. So I think I can do this. From: Maya

Dear Sante,

I wath for Christmas slim but I wath lot of slim. anD i wath a bike anb a phone and Pick and a Playdov and a Dog anD a Barbie Doll anD a playhores anD a Pike for Sante anD a play house… Love, Isabella

Hi Santa,

Christmas is a big deal to me. I want slime and a phone and squsheys and a rodo unicorn and hatchaml. Have a holly jolly Christmas this year. Thank you Santa I want Box and makeup and Barbie Doll and buddy…I love you Santa, Love Madison

Dear Santa,

I want a 2 comic Books for me Santa. I was so sorry for atcing Bad so don’t put me on the Nathy list. So I want a skatr bot ad a Game called lago matve Avengers. Form Isaiah

Dear Santa,

Oliver hasn’t been here for two days I’m worrd about him please tell him I miss him so much and I whish he was here. My mom thinks my dad has to be here I also think It’s that but I also think it’s the wether. Thank you, Sara

Dear Sonta,

Can I have a hoverboird and a dog a reL doge PLes and macupe PLes and mone and a fown PLes neckst yere can I PLes have a elf PLes But Ive Ben good. Luve MJ, Maryjane

Dear Santa Clause,

Can I have for chirstmas is a electrick scooter, and a spider man homecoming gear, and power ranger ninja steel sorwds and stars. Can I also have a xbox game pass, and also a PS4 and the new spider man game and Nintido switch. Love Ryan

Dear Santa,

You are the coolist man ever to me Love you I hop I get waht I rot to you can you rede my rding no or yes sid me a elf ples. Love, Scott

Dear Santa,

I like cende I like you Santa I see you DSper 25, 2018. I wut sabere. I lufe you Santa, Jason

Dear Santa,

My Elf has not moved sence the wec end started I donT no wiy But my DAD sed that he wode move soon And I Am exsied for crismas it is my favrit holabA it is fun. Tristan

Dear Santa,

I want a nitendo swich for christmas. I want magnit-tiyos and a ultamint garoge. My elvs are names Ginger and Mr. Elfy. They made lemonade. Mr. Elfy peed in the lemonade. They played tic-tac-toe. My elvs are so funny. You are the best. Love, Adan

Dear Santa,

I want a unicorn LipGloss FigetSpiner For ChristMas. My elf peppermint was in our Frigde ToDay. I wonder were he is hiDeing tomrow. My faviroTe Reindeer is rouDoph. Don’t Tell The other reindeer. It is coll ThaT you can DeLiver PresnTs in one night. Love <3 Chloe

Dear Santa,

I want a fone and a pake of Slam makep har site I want a teacher besk can I have a pice of you you send presins every yer it is so fun opening up you are so nice to evry one I love you… Love, Lindsey

Dear Santa,

Thi year has been hard so I want to keep betoven for 1 year Cant wait for next year. Adrian

Nikki Thomas’ class

Dear Santa,

May I please have enough money for a Nintendo and a lot of games for it? Can I please have some more beyblades? I can’t wait to make a gingerbread house and open presents. I also can’t wait to see others open presents because Christmas is about giving and not getting. It is also about Christ and when he was born. Your Friend, Landon D.

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a Jolly Christmas for Christmas. I want you to have a Jolly Christmas. How are you and the raindears? Love, Victoria F.

Dear Santa,

Nerf woketoke, nerf gun, I want a pet dere that flise. Hex bugs, From, Brockton H.

Dear Santa,

Are the elfs ok? Are they working hard to? I can’t wait to have presents. I hope you get frome the North Pole to the houses safely. Whelp I can’t wait and oh! I almost forgot to tell you what I want the most. 2 things I want are a ballpit that sinks a little low & chow chown please. Love, Aleah C.

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa Claus. Want a lot of beyblades like good ones like a boss the mimi one and I want robot to Hi, Hi, Ho robux and cozmo. Love, Victor E.

Dear Santa,

I want beyblades and playdo and pokemon cards and hot wheels and lagoE minecraft. Love, Hector R.

Dear Santa,

How iz it going in the north pole How iz Rudolph, How do you make prezit I wat rolrzcatz with to wiltz for Christmas. I wut x dox for Christmas. I love Christmas do you Christmas. Love, Lily R.

Dear Santa,

I am doing good. Ho Ho Ho I want a dress for Christmas on Dec 25th. And I want a dall. And a wig and some hiheals. I want a Grinch sute for Christmas, I want some candles with a heclis and a see thruw dress anmd lots a toys. Love, Jaclyn P.

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas Santa Claus. I hope you have a Ho Ho Ho Christmas. How is Mrs. Claus? How did you ride Rudolph? Win is your birthday? And how are you? Good or bad my name is Phoebe. I hope you will give a Beyblade biy-biy Happy Christmas. Love, Phoebe W.

Dear Santa,

I want a few beyblades definately, a Xbox 1 if my parents don’t get it plus Minecraft and Fortnite. Also, what kind of cookies do you want? I wonder how hard it is to make a present? It must be hard. How do you get presents Santa? because you tell the elfs to make presents or maybe you don’t get presents. Does the reindeer glitter make people sleep? Love, Kai K.

Dear Santa,

I need shoes and a basketball goal. A nerf gun a lot of them and I went to your deer and I was tricking you cause I need a black T. Love, Donald G.

Dear Santa,

Rudolph converse beyblades dasher merry Christmas snow flake jolly south pole ho ho ho gingerbread I can’t wait to open my presents how are you doing santa have a good day at the north pole and have fun santa have a good day rain deers. Love, Jadyn J.

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph I hope he is good I want a popsie saprise. I hope you have a merry Christmas I wish I was you becos you git to eat a lot of cokes I love Christmas do you have scoles in the north pole how is mrs. Claus have a merry Christmas and have a happy new year P.S. I love it wis you say HoHoHo. Love, Mattie J.

Dear Santa,

I really want my favorite toy lent. How is your wife? I’ll leave you some gingerbread and maybe some chocolate milk. I would like an LOL doll and a bike. I really wanna be jolly and happy. I wonder…..how you make the toys and merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Claus. I got straight A’s this year! Love, Serenity J.

Dear Santa,

Santa I want this a Aappel wach a redorn baby boy and girl and some icseserxs for them and a dinasor playdoh set a loveabello doll a 5 supprise a tadlet for my babys. HoHoHo Marry, Breanne G.

Dear Santa,

Good luck on your flight around the world and come to my house and are your reindeer well fed and can you make me a creature power suit and a APSUP that can go deeper than any mobile suit ever. Love, Beaux O.

Dear Santa,

5 bey blades for Christmas. Love, Hunter S.

Dear Santa,

I want to get a doll house and I want sqeshis slim tety bery and a new dress and a macup set a sparkle slim and a slim cass and a new doll. Love, Aaliyah S.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTERS TO SANTA: Northwood Elementary