'Adulting 101' prepares students for life after parents

The "Adulting 101" seminar will be held on March 25. [CONTRIBUTED PHOTO]

CRESTVIEW — Juniors and seniors at Crestview High School will soon have the opportunity to learn important life skills.

The Rotary Club of Crestview is hosting an “Adulting 101” seminar at the high school on March 25. The event is only open to 200 high school students who register for the event.

“We were hearing whispers that students weren’t fully ready for after they graduate,” said Rotary Club president Deb Gething. “I thought that it would be a cool idea to give students some adulting classes.”

The seminar will include five different hands-on and interactive informational sessions, each lasting 50 minutes. During that time students will learn basic car maintenance, basic house maintenance, personal finance, home economics, and personal awareness and health. Each session will be led by members of the Rotary Club and other members of the community.

During the car maintenance session, students will learn things like how to change a flat tire or what to do if their car breaks down. The house maintenance session will teach students basics such as stopping a leaky faucet.

The personal finance session was originally devised to teach students how to balance a check book, but that quickly changed.

“Many people don’t use checks anymore,” said Gething. “In the finance session, students will learn how to understand how the balance on their account might not be correct when they make a deposit, along with credit scores and contracts in pay as you go situations.”

The home economics class will be taught by experts who will give students easy recipes and information about nutrition. Okaloosa EMS personnel will teach students about the basic first-aid components, as well as discuss the importance of positive thinking and self-awareness during the personal awareness and health session.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Students will also have a chance to win a gift card in each session.

Gething said she is happy with the way the community has rallied behind the idea.

“Multiple businesses have donated gift cards for the students,” Gething said. “This will help the students stay engaged and be on time for each rotational class.”

Students will be given a T-shirt and booklet during the event. The booklet will help guide them through the day and serve as a place for note-taking during each session.

“We want to empower them,” said Gething. “Chances are when they leave home, they wouldn’t necessarily have these skills, but now some will.”

There are still a few spots left for the seminar. To sign up, message the Crestview Rotary Club on Facebook.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 'Adulting 101' prepares students for life after parents