On heroism – an open letter to Jennifer King

The definition of “heroism” varies from culture to culture and person to person, but the one constant seems to hold a few key components:

Virtue in the face of adversity.

Courage in the face of adversity.

Determination in the face of adversity.

We are beginning to see a commonality here that would be “right action” in the face of the negative force in the universe that always pushes us closer and closer to the void.

If you were to ask me about my own personal experience with heroism, I would only be able to cite great people I have known or learned about second hand. People like a young woman named Jennifer King who has been virtuous, courageous and shown infinite determination in the face of the terrible ordeal known as cancer.

I have had the privilege of knowing Mrs. King for some time now and have also been lucky enough to observe, first hand, her ability to lead massive numbers of people toward a life of meaning. Whether coaching gymnastics, coaching basketball, opening Muddy River Coffee or just coaching those around her on how to live life, she is an absolute force for good in this world.

I write this letter as nothing more than a small acknowledgment from one very small coach to a titan in the coaching world. A few words, written late at night, to proclaim to the world that we are in touch with greatness and that Mrs. King has helped push thousands of us even closer to that greatness.

On behalf of everyone you have ever coached and everyone you will ever coach, thank you ma’am. You are my hero.

Brannon “Mak” Remaklus

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: On heroism – an open letter to Jennifer King