Fall is here — time for Christmas?

Janice Lynn Crose

Fall is here, at least according to the calendar. It began this year on Sept. 23. I wish the weather would just look at the calendar and adjust itself accordingly.

We have lost several plants due to the hot weather this summer as they couldn't stand the heat. I hope that it cools down soon, so I can plant some beautiful orange, yellow and burgundy mums in the yard.

What plans do you have for the fall season? Are you taking a family trip to one of our neighboring states to the North to see the beautiful trees with their multicolored leaves?

Someday I'd love to take a trip to Maine or New Hampshire to see their colorful trees. It is also nice to just stay home and enjoy fall here in Crestview.

Another thing fall brings is pumpkin spiced items. I enjoy pumpkin spiced coffee, coffee creamer, pancakes and other delectables. Pumpkin spice is one of my favorite flavors, only surpassed by peppermint spice, which comes at Christmas time.

I am planning a trip in a couple of months to see my niece get married. It will be fun to see family and get caught up again.

I'm particularly looking forward to seeing my mother and spending time with her. We plan on hitting our favorite restaurants in the Los Angeles area and visiting with friends. It is important to spend time with our families when we can, as we never know what tomorrow may bring.

It is only September, and in many retail stores, Christmas is in full force. I haven't quite gotten used to the summer being over, fall being here, and now we have massive decorations for Christmas?

When it is this hot, Christmas decorations are the last thing on my mind. How do you feel? Do you like the early start to Christmas displays? Do these displays compel you to buy Christmas items right now?

As I have written previously, I shop for Christmas gifts all year long in order to get good deals. What I look for and buy are specific gifts for a particular person, not general Christmas items in September. I love Christmas, but I'm not in the frame of mind to purchase Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving.

I feel that Thanksgiving has become the forgotten holiday being sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas.

I think we need to have a celebration of thanks for the wonderful opportunities we have in this country.

Have a blessed week.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Fall is here — time for Christmas?