Crestview to consider purchasing pool, recreation center

This pool located at Central Baptist’s ROC would serve as a community pool if the city purchases the facility. [ASHLEIGH WILDE/NEWS BULLETIN]

CRESTVIEW — The city council will consider purchasing Central Baptist’s recreation outreach center (ROC) during Monday night’s meeting.

Paul Mixon, Pastor of Central Baptist Church said talks of selling the facility began in August.

“We use the facility but not to its full potential,” Mixon said. “It would be a way for the city to have more availability to have things to do and also a way for the church to support and partner with the city.”

The facility, built in 1997, includes an Olympic-size pool, an exercise room, a gym with a basketball court, locker rooms with showers and a racquetball court.

City manager Tim Bolduc said he wasn’t really looking for a gym and pool, but he is always open to ways to better serve the community.

“One of the shortcomings we have right now is that we only have one gym and it currently has no air conditioning,” Bolduc said. “This would allow us to extend the after-school basketball program and look at bringing in volleyball.”

Bolduc said while the pool is not necessarily shaped to be a community pool, the city could figure out how to make it work.

If the council gives Bolduc the green light to pursue the purchase, Bolduc said the first step will be to work with the finance department to find the funding.

Once funding is found, the city could continue with the process, but it would probably not be finalized until after the new year, Bolduc said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview to consider purchasing pool, recreation center