Coffee With a Cop set for Dec. 11

Back Home Bakery is the location for the Dec.11 Coffee With a Cop. {CONTRIBUTED PHOTO]

CRESTVIEW — One of the city’s newest eateries is the location for the next Coffee With a Cop, an informal chance to chat with Crestview Police Chief Stephen McCosker and some of his officers and share ideas, praises and concerns.

Back Home Bakery, located at 307 Main St., welcomes the community to the periodic gathering, which is held every two months by the Police Department’s Community Services division. The Dec. 11 opportunity to meet with community police officers is from 8-10 a.m.

“Coffee With a Cop is a chance to interact with us in a casual setting, over a cup of coffee and let us know what’s on your mind,” said Community Services Officer Sam Kimmons. “Sometimes folks get a little intimidated coming to the Police Department.”

The coffee and conversation are free. Back Home Bakery’s selection of croissants, pastries and other homemade goodies are Dutch treat. For more information, contact CPD’s Community Services at 682.3544.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Coffee With a Cop set for Dec. 11