KNIE: Grief seminar for children scheduled

Emily Knie

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or so says a particular song, anyway.

For most people, the holidays are filled with laughter and cheer. However, for some, it can be an impossible hurdle due to the loss of loved ones. For these folks, it’s difficult to even move through the motions of mirth, much less muster up the strength to face the memories.

Crestview Public Library will be hosting Covenant Care’s “Grief and the Holidays” workshop 4:30 p.m. Dec. 17 at 1445 Commerce Drive, Crestview.

This program is open to children of all ages and their parents/caregivers desiring to honor their lost loved ones. This program will feature a therapy pony, dinner, a story about grief, cookie decorating, a remembrance ornament, and a snowball fight.

To register, call or email Monica Koetters by Dec. 13 at the latest at 850-384-7778 or

As author Julia Cook says, “Grief is like a snowflake as its unique, sometimes comes one flake at a time & other times comes like a blizzard. It melts away, but it always come back. Just as each snowflake is unique, each person experiences grief in their own unique way.”

Emily Knie is the Crestview Public Library’s adult services librarian and interim assistant director.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: KNIE: Grief seminar for children scheduled