Santa letters – Bob Sikes Elementary School – Toni LaFear’s class

Dear Santa,

How are you doing this year? I wish that my mom is happy this Christmas. I believe in you. Can I have LOL Stuff? Santa can I have a Christmas book? Can I have a stuffed animal? Can I have a new bed set? Can I have 2 art sets? Can I have a new jacket Can I have a new lunch box? Can I have a math set? Can I have a math stuff? Love, Isabel A.

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? And how are Mrs. Claus and the elves doing How are the reindeer doing? Am I on the naughty list? Get me a lot of pens. Get me a dog. Get me a plane and bring me the elf in my house because I don’t have one. And bring me a bike and a xbox one. My mom is trying to get me one. Love, Tanner A.

Dear Santa,

Hi, Santa. How ya doing? I don’t think I ever sent you a letter before. Love, Paxton B.

Dear Santa,

How are you? Are the elves okay? Is Mrs. Claus okay? I know that I got some more ideas like gold, a PS4, PS4 Minecraft disc, money, and a new carmat. Love, Austyn C.

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? For Christmas I want monster truck Lego and I want a mente dotsen and a baby roat and a four wheeler and some bots and a lot of camo and a lot of Hot Wheels. Love, Tucker G.

Dear Santa,

How are you doing I want a drone, piggy bank, and a transformer, please. I love you, Santa. Love, Clayre J.

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Are the elves being good for you? Are all the reindeer getting ready to pull the sleigh? I only want two things. One is a new phone. Two is that I want my friends and family safe. I know that I am on the naughty list, but can I please have the two things that I want? I have one more thing to ask you. Are you on a diet? If not, you should be. Love, Keely L.

Dear Santa,

What do you do all year? Does Rudolph lead the other reindeer and the sleigh? Has any kids ever sat in your sleigh? The only thing I want is a stuffed tortoise shell cat. Love, Anthony M.

Dear Santa,

Hi, Santa. How are the elf on the shelf? Is he good? Santa am I bad? Santa can I have a fortnight game and xbox 1 and planet vs zombie game and a gole brock and a Lego set and a Ironman toy and Skylanders? Love, Adrian M.

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa. How are you? I want a puppy named Cooper. I want lps. I want lps stuff. I want a phone. I want a gaming computer. Love, Austyn P.

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I know I never send you a letter anymore but know I will. I really only want 2 things. First thing I want is money. Next thing I want is chapter books. Please and thank you! Love, Olivia R.

Dear Santa,

How are you? I hope that you get to my house. I made a bed for Jingle Mittens. You are the best at everything. Is all of the reindeer. Love, Alex S.

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa! How are the elves? Can I have a pack of Pokemon cards and some games and I want a dirt bike. Can I have a Pokemon book and a card for my Pokemon card book and a notebook and a dune buggy. Love, Westin S.

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph doing? I really want a golden scooter and a xbox 1 reallly bad and red slides and Nikes. Please and thank you Santa Claws. Love Gavin S.

Dear Santa,

Hi, Santa. How are the elves? How is Ms. Clause? I want slenderman game and a phone and skylanders and ninjago and poilsmandsrbr. Love, Kade W.

Dear Santa,

Hi, how are you? I would like a bubblegum machine and ginger root. Love, Kendra W.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Santa letters – Bob Sikes Elementary School – Toni LaFear’s class